Garden waste collections: Our brown bin service for 2025 will start week commencing 31 March. Use the postcode finder to check your collection dates.
What goes in your bins
Find Household Waste Recycling Centres (tips)
Check your bin collection dates
Book a bulky waste collection
Commercial waste
Report a missed bin collection
Ask for an assisted bin collection
Clinical and medical waste collections
Apply for a bigger bin
Get a new or replacement bin
Request a bin repair
Hazardous household waste
Help us to empty your bins
You are responsible for your waste. Under Section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 you must store and present your waste correctly.
- Make sure you put the right things in your bins. If a bin contains unacceptable items it will not be emptied until your next scheduled collection.
- Put your grey, green (and brown bin if you have one) out by 6.30am on your collection days, at the edge of your property.
- Make sure bin lids are closed. No additional bags of rubbish can be left for collection with your bins.
- Your bin must not be too heavy to be moved, or to be lifted by the hoist on the bin lorry.
- After your bins are emptied, remove them from the public highway and store them on your property.
Contact information
Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.
General enquiries:
Commercial waste enquiries:
General enquiries:
Commercial waste enquiries:
Vans and trailer appointments at Merchants Way and Fryers Rd HWRCs:
Write to us:
Clean & Green Environmental Depot
200 Pelsall Road, Brownhills, WS8 7EN
Connect to a BSL interpreter
Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm