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Black Country street racing injunction


The High Court has granted a full and final injunction banning 'street racing', also known as 'car cruising', in the Black Country.

The Black Country area includes all of the boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton.

The injunction and power of arrest were granted on Tuesday 27 February 2024, will remain in force for a period of at least three years, and will be subject to an annual review.

At a hearing on 26 February 2025, The Honourable Mr Justice Ritchie permitted the injunction to continue, with minor amendments to the wording. This followed evidence from the claimant councils that there was a "pressing need for a continuance" of the injunction. A further annual review of the injunction will be held by the High Court in early 2026, on a date to be confirmed.

What the injunction means

It forbids anyone who is a driver, rider or passenger in or on a motor vehicle to participate between the hours of 3pm and 7am in a gathering of two or more persons within the Black Country area at which some of those present engage in motor racing or motor stunts or other dangerous or obstructive driving.

It also covers organisers and spectators, prohibiting people from promoting, organising or publicising gatherings, or from participating in a gathering as a spectator with the intention or expectation that some of those present will engage in street racing.

The injunction covers the whole of the boroughs of Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall and has a Power of Arrest attached to it which gives the police the power to arrest anyone who breaches it. Breach of an injunction is a contempt to court and if proved the court has the power to impose a sentence of imprisonment, a fine, or an order seizing a person’s assets.

For the purposes of the injunction, stunts are defined as driving manoeuvres often undertaken at such gatherings including but not limited to:

  • burnouts - causing a vehicle to destroy its tyres by applying power to the drive wheels while braking so as to remain in place while the wheels revolve at speed
  • donuts/donutting - causing a vehicle to rotate around a fixed point (normally the front axle) while not moving-off causing noise, smoke and tyre marks to be created
  • drifting - turning by placing the vehicle in a skid so that most sideways motion is due to the skid not any significant steering input
  • undertaking - passing a vehicle on its nearside so as to overtake in circumstances not permitted by the Highway Code

Report street racing

Email to report incidents of street racing, or call West Midlands Police on 101. In an emergency always dial 999. 

Supporting documents and evidence

You can find full details of the injunction, including evidence presented to the High Court, the Sealed Order, power of arrest and other supporting documentation below:

You can download the documents below from the City of Wolverhampton Council's website.

  1. Power of arrest (PDF 186KB)
  2. Sealed orders (PDF 1,312KB)
  3. Orders of the High Court of Justice (14 Dec 2022) (PDF 159KB)
  4. Supplementary evidence bundle (PDF 1.37MB)
  5. WN injunction application - urgent interim relief application (PDF 3.9MB)
  6. Main application bundle (PDF 29.5MB)
  7. Notice of High Court hearing (6 Feb 2023) (PDF 172KB)
  8. Bundle for 6 Feb car cruising hearing - part 1 (PDF 55.1MB)
  9. Bundle for 6 Feb car cruising hearing - part 2 (PDF 39.5MB)
  10. Bundle for 6 Feb car cruising hearing - part 3 (PDF 16.7MB)
  11. 6th statement of Paul Brown (3 Feb 2023) (PDF 212KB)
  12. Statement of Adam Sheen (3 Feb 2023) (PDF 410KB)
  13. Statement of Adam Sheen (3 Feb 2023 ) - accessible version (PDF 369KB)
  14. Hearing notice for 15 May 2023 at 10.30am (PDF 169KB)
  15. Order (16 Feb 2023) (PDF 227KB)
  16. Transcript of proceedings (6 Feb 2023) KB-2022-BHM-000221 (PDF 431KB)
  17. Birmingham City Council v Nagmadin Ors - Wolverhampton City Council v persons unknown (13 Feb 2023) (PDF 357KB)
  18. Bundle for review hearing (15 May 2023) (PDF 26MB)
  19. Hearing notice - hearing 15 May 2023 at 10:30am (PDF 177KB)
  20. 10th witness statement of Paul Brown (PDF 232KB)
  21. Exhibit PB10A (PDF 5MB)
  22. Hearing note for 15 May 2023 (PDF 141KB)
  23. Exhibit PB11A (17/05/2023)
  24. 11th witness statement of Paul Brown (17/05/2023)
  25. Amended power of arrest (amended 19 May 2023; sealed 23 May 2023) (PDF 166KB))
  26. Amended injunction order (19 May 2023; sealed 23 May 2023) PDF 2.6MB)
  27. Combined directions order (19 May 2023; sealed 23 May 2023) (PDF 175KB)
  28. Clearer copy of Plan A for injunction (WCC & Ors v persons unknown KB-2022-BHM-000188) (23 May 2023) (PDF 6.7MB)
  29. Amended particulars of claim Jun 2023 (15 Jun 2023) PDF 152KB)
  30. Part 8 claim form (amended Jun 2023) 1-2 of 3 (15 Jun 2023) PDF 728KB)
  31. Part 8 claim form (amended Jun 2023) 3 of 3 (15 Jun 2023) (PDF 279KB)
  32. 12th and 13th witness statements of Paul Brown (16 Jun 2023) (PDF 8.2MB)
  33. Notice of hearing case management conference 10 Nov 2023 (21/07/23)
  34. Notice of hearing 4 Oct 2023 (09/08/23)
  35. Bundle for car cruising injunction review hearing 4 Oct 2023 (PDF 52MB)
  36. Schedule A to injunction index to injunction order 19 May 2023 (PDF 3.3MB)
  37. Car cruise 2022 part 8 amended particulars of claim v3 12 Oct 2023 (PDF 160KB)
  38. Sealed plan A 9 Oct 2023 (PDF 2.4MB)
  39. Sealed amended part 8 claim form 6 Oct 2023 (PDF 1105KB)
  40. Order (re: persons unknown) hearing of 4 Oct 2023 (PDF 169KB)
  41. Amended power of arrest - amended 4 Oct 2023 (PDF 267KB)
  42. Sealed Wolverhampton CC v PU interim injunction v3 to include D5 and D6 4 Oct 2023 (PDF 154KB)
  43. Black Country Car Cruising Injunction - Sealed Power of Arrest - Version 5 - 20 Dec 2023 (PDF 125KB)
  44. Sealed Plan A to accompany Black Country Car Cruising Injunction and Power of Arrest - 20 Dec 2023 (PDF 2MB)
  45. Schedule A to Injunction Index to injunction order 19 May 2023 (PDF 3MB)
  46. Amended Black Country Injunction (PDF 219KB)
  47. KB-2022-BHM-000188 221 WCC v PU BCC v Nagmadin Order from Hearing - Sealed 20 Dec (PDF 156KB)
  48. Further Copy of Order from Hearing on 20 Dec 2023 - sealed 21 Dec 2023 (PDF 333KB)
  49. KB-2022-BHM-000188221 - authorities bundle (002)
  50. The Black Country Councils’ skeleton argument for hearing on 27 Feb 2024
  51. 2085575 - Supplementary bundle for hearing 22 Feb 2024
  52. 2091936 - Plan A (sealed) 27 Feb 2024
  53. 2091934 - Indices (sealed) 27 Feb 2024
  54. 2091933 - Final Orders - Power of Arrest (Black Country) (sealed)
  55. 2091931 - Final injunction (Black Country) (sealed) 27 Feb 2024
  56. 2091933 - Final Orders - Power of Arrest (Black Country) (Sealed)
  57. 2091930 - Directions accompanying Final Order (Black Country) (sealed) 27 Feb 2024
  58. 2091929 - Amended particulars of claim (version 6) (sealed) 27 Feb 2024
  59. 2091928 - Amended claim form (version 6) (sealed) 27 Feb 2024
  60. 2091935 - Order joining Rebecca Richold as a party (sealed) 27 Feb 2024
  61. Claimants' evidence of compliance with Orders of 27 Feb 2024 (affidavit 3 Apr 2024) (PDF 26.2MB)
  62. Wolverhampton City Council et al v Persons Unknown – Approved Judgment
  63. 2141433 – Directions Order 8 May 2024 Directions for Review Hearing 26 February 2025
  64. Bundle for Review Hearing (26 February 2025) Volume 1 of 2
  65. Bundle for Review Hearing (26 February 2025) Volume 2 of 2 - Segment 001
  66. Bundle for Review Hearing (26 February 2025) Volume 2 of 2 - Segment 002
  67. Public Order Act 2023 - Chapter 15
  68. Transport for London v Person Unknown
  69. North Warwickshire Borough Council v The defendants listed at schedule A to this judgement
  70. Wolverhampton City Council, Dudley MBC, Sandwell MBC and Walsall MBC v Persons Unknown
  71. Directions order made 26.02.2025 (as amended 07.03.2025)
  72. Revised injunction 26.02.2025
  73. Power of arrest amended 26.11.24 expiring 1 March 2027
  74. Draft order for hearing - 26 February 2025

Street racing signage

You can view the location of street racing signage around the borough in our map. To reveal the details, click or tap on the green or pink circle icons.

You can also enter your postcode or address into the text box. The map will zoom to your location and show where your nearest street racing sign is.

To report any issues with the signs please contact the community protection team.

Location of street racing signage

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