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Public rights of way (PROW)

Information about public footpaths and walkways, how to report a problem or ask for changes

A public right of way (PROW) is a route over land that everyone can legally use at any time. They include alleys or entries in towns as well as paths across the countryside. You can walk on all PROWs, and some are also open to horse riders, cyclists or motorists. 

PROWs are protected by law. As the highway authority for Walsall, we have some powers to make changes to the PROW networks in our borough.

The definitive map and statement is the legal record of our PROW network.

We're responsible for managing and maintaining these routes. If you are a landowner and a PROW crosses your land, you have a legal responsibility to keep it open and accessible.

Contact us if you want to report a problem with a PROW.

Contact information

Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.

Write to us:

Public rights of way team, 2nd floor, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall WS1 1DG

Business hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm

Connect to a BSL interpreter

Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm

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