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Definitive map and statement

All formal public rights of way in Walsall are recorded on a definitive map and statement. The map shows the start point, end point, length and classification of each route. It is evidence of the public’s right to use them. If you want to apply to modify the map, you can do so.

How to view the definitive map

You can view it online:

To use the map:

  1. go to the ‘my maps’ tab
  2. go to ‘map categories’ in the side panel
  3. choose ‘highways and transportation’
  4. tick the sections you want to see - you can choose some or all of the following:
  • highways and public rights of way orders
  • definitive public rights of way
  • non-definitive and adopted footpaths

Alternatively, you can email us to make an appointment to view the map in person.

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