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Current planning policy

We are responsible for planning policy in Walsall. Our planning policies help to guide new development. They are contained in a collection of documents that together are called the Local Plan.

Our Local Plan currently includes:

We also have supplementary planning documents (SPDs) that support the Local Plan. They contain further guidance about various Local Plan policies.

The Local Plan outlines our vision for the borough. Our policies promote sustainable development while protecting and enhancing the local environment.

By law, we must consider Local Plan policies when making decisions on planning applications. Residents and developers should consider these policies when drawing up their proposals.

We are preparing the Walsall Borough Local Plan that will set out the planning policies and site allocations for the borough. Once adopted, it will supersede the current documents that make up the local plan. You can find out more information about this on our on our future planning policy page.

Contact us if you have any questions.