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Future planning policy

Walsall Borough Local Plan

The local plan will aim to make sure there are enough homes and jobs for people living and working in the borough. It will show where we expect to build, and the areas we'll protect for their existing uses. 

We will use the plan when we determine planning applications. We expect it to replace many of our current planning policy documents.

Call for sites

We carried out a call for sites to consider for the plan. This is now closed.

What happened to the Black Country Plan?

Walsall Council’s Cabinet agreed on the 2 November 2022 to end work on the Black Country Plan. Instead, we will prepare a local plan for Walsall. 

We're working in line with government guidance on local plan timetables. The timetable of the Walsall Borough Local Plan has been set out in the Local Development Scheme that covers the period 2025 – 2028. 

We will continue to use some of the work carried out to date on the Black Country Plan. You can find evidence and consultation details on the  Black Country plan website. Where it's needed, we'll provide fresh evidence that's focused on Walsall borough. 

For more information you can contact us.

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