Local Plans evidence
This page contains evidence that we use to prepare documents that form Local Plans for Walsall (formerly Local Development Framework - LDF) and other work.
Our planning policy documents are supported by a wide range of other documents and studies. These show what the current situation is like and set out the matters that our plans have to deal with. They include national and local policies, and reports and studies commissioned by the council and other bodies.
BCCS evidence
A Greater Birmingham Housing Market Area (HMA) Strategic Growth Study was undertaken to identify ways forward to respond to an identified shortfall in the provision of land for new housing to meet the needs of Birmingham as well as to the scale of need emerging from the Black Country.
The publication of the study shows cooperation between the 14 authorities from across the Greater Birmingham HMA, who commissioned the evidence as part of the legal duty to cooperate with each other on the planning of their areas.
The study is a technical one and is not a policy document, it does not propose what should be built or where. The study will be brought together with the Black Country authorities’ own local evidence for the Core Strategy Review.
Download list
Greater Birmingham HMA Strategic Growth Study (February 2018).pdfDownload PDF (23.85 MB)
Appendices (February 2018).pdfDownload PDF (5.97 MB)
Position Statement (2018).pdfDownload PDF (92.96 KB)
You can find further documents and evidence on the Black Country Plan website.
SAD, AAP and HRA evidence
The evidence below supports a number of local plan documents including the Site Allocations Document (SAD), Area Action Plan (AAP) and Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA).
Download list
Position Statement: Strategic Spatial Planning in the West Midlands Metropolitan AreaDownload PDF (189.4 KB)
Download list
Issues and Options Consultation Report (August 2015).pdfDownload PDF (2.5 MB)
Preferred Options Consultation Report (February 2016).pdfDownload PDF (5.86 MB)
Publication and Pre-Submission Modifications Consultation Report (March 2017).pdfDownload PDF (3.28 MB)
Walsall SAD and Town Centre AAP Duty to Cooperate Overview (May 2017).pdfDownload PDF (819.55 KB)
Regulation 22 Consultation Statement (May 2017).pdfDownload PDF (1.65 MB)
The Council has carried out a sustainability appraisal (SA) of the Site Allocations Document (SAD) and Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP). The SA incorporates a Strategic Environmental Assessment, Equality Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment.
The purpose of the SA is to assess the impact of the plans on social, economic and environmental issues, and ensure, where there are options, that the policies in the plans are chosen to have the most positive impact, measured against the objectives of the plans.
This has involved scoping what these issues should be, appraising the options for the plans, appraising the draft policies that are proposed to be in the plans and preparing a report that describes what has been done.
Preparation of the SA has been done in stages in parallel with the preparation of the plans. The SA documents are available for download below. These are listed in date order, with the most recent at the bottom.
Many of the documents were produced in draft form and then revised to incorporate comments received or to assess changes made to the plans. In most cases, the more recent documents incorporate and update the content of the older versions.
Only the most recent versions therefore need to be read, except that the older ones show how the plan has been developed. The final part of the process is the Submission Stage SA.
Development of the Sustainability Appraisal Framework - SA Scoping Report
A draft SA Scoping Report was published in September 2011 for public consultation. This report was then updated to reflect the comments received from the public and a review by the Council’s sustainability appraisal adviser, Ursus Consulting Ltd, and new evidence that became available.
Documents and Links
Download list
Review of Original Scoping Report September 2011 (Review dated June 2012).pdfDownload PDF (476.06 KB)
Revised SA Scoping Report V2 May 2013.docx (Word)Download DOCX (7.7 MB)
Appendix A - C of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (241.93 KB)
Appendix D of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (234.34 KB)
Appendix E of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (988.34 KB)
Appendix F of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (77.82 KB)
Appendix G of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (238.32 KB)
Appendix H of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (42.01 KB)
Appendix I of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (42.01 KB)
Appendix J of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (44.82 KB)
Appendix K of Revised Scoping Report April 2013.pdfDownload PDF (90.12 KB)
Scoping the plans led to the creation of a SA Framework. Following the Issues & Options stage, the Council reviewed the SA Framework against the most recent national policy guidance, to ensure that the objectives on which it was based remain up-to-date and relevant.
Details of the review of the SA Objectives against current national, sub-national and local policy, and the Revised SA Framework (2015) can be found in the final SA Report (March 2016) - see below.
SAD and AAP Options Appraisals - Issues and Options SA
A series of options were prepared for the plans. These were all appraised where they were considered “reasonable”. The SA Options Appraisal Report (April 2013) summarises the findings of the appraisals carried out at the Issues and Options stage in 2013.
This involved firstly, “testing” the Objectives of the SAD and AAP against the SA Objectives identified in the Revised SA Scoping Report, and secondly, appraising the Options for the SAD and AAP using the SA Framework in Appendix G of the Revised SA Scoping Report.
The Objectives for the SAD and AAP changed following the Issues & Options stage, and further Options were also identified. The Council has therefore tested the revised Objectives for each plan against the Revised SA Objectives and has carried out a Revised Options Appraisal, covering the new Options, and using the Revised SA Framework developed in 2015.
The results of the Revised SAD and AAP Objectives Testing and Revised Options Appraisals at January 2016 are presented in the SA Matrices below. Further information about the evaluation of the SAD and AAP Objectives and Options, including a summary of the results of the Revised Options Testing and Revised Options Appraisal can be found in the final SA Report (March 2016) - see below.
Documents and Links
Download list
SA Options Appraisal Report (April 2013).pdfDownload PDF (612.42 KB)
Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary (May 2013).pdfDownload PDF (122.26 KB)
Revised SAD Objectives - Compatibility Matrix (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (1020.46 KB)
Revised AAP Objectives - Compatibility Matrix (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (195.97 KB)
SAD SA – Revised Options Appraisal (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (32.54 KB)
AAP SA – Revised Options Appraisal (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (21.8 KB)
Appraisal of the SAD and AAP - Preferred Options SA: January 2016
The emerging results of the Options Appraisals were taken into account in the development of the Draft SAD and AAP (Preferred Options) which were published for public consultation in September 2015, and the results of the updated Options Appraisal (January 2016) have been reflected in the final plans published for public consultation in March 2016.
The Council carried out an appraisal of each of the policies in the Draft SAD and AAP (Preferred Options) in 2015, which was revised and updated in January 2016 before the final plans were completed.
The appraisals were carried out at a high level in the first instance, although a more detailed appraisal of SAD Policies M8 and M9 was carried out because ‘significant’ harmful effects were identified in the high level appraisal. The results of the appraisals are set out in the SA Matrices which are available for download below.
Documents and Links
Download list
SAD SA – Appraisal of Draft Plan (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (248.91 KB)
AAP SA – Appraisal of Draft Plan (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (84.46 KB)
SAD SA - Appraisal of SAD Policies (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (388.7 KB)
SAD SA – Detailed SA of Policy M8 (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (50.63 KB)
SAD SA – Detailed SA of Policy M9 (January 2016) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (52.58 KB)
AAP SA – Appraisal of AAP Policies (January 2016) (excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (88.15 KB)
SAD and AAP SA Report - Publication Stage: March 2016
The appraisal process and the outcomes are explained in the SA Report which is available for download below. The Appendices provide further information on the review of the SA Framework, the results of the Options Appraisals and reasons for selection of Options, the Appraisal results and other background information.
Ursus Consulting Ltd carried out a review of the Publication Stage SA and their report is available to view below.
Documents and Links
Download list
Cover and Contents.pdfDownload PDF (549.63 KB)
Non-Technical Summary.pdfDownload PDF (848.4 KB)
Chapter 1 - Content & Objectives of SAD & AAP.pdfDownload PDF (1.28 MB)
Chapter 2 - SA Process.pdfDownload PDF (980.45 KB)
Chapter 3 - Review of Existing Plans & Programmes.pdfDownload PDF (1.05 MB)
Chapter 4 - Review of Baseline Conditions.pdfDownload PDF (2.84 MB)
Chapter 5 - SAD & AAP Objectives Testing.pdfDownload PDF (378.66 KB)
Chapter 6 - SAD & AAP Options Appraisal.pdfDownload PDF (820.9 KB)
Chapter 7 - SA of SAD.pdfDownload PDF (656.14 KB)
Chapter 8 - SA of AAP.pdfDownload PDF (643.24 KB)
Chapter 9 - Monitoring.pdfDownload PDF (363.56 KB)
Appendix A - Review of SA & SEA Topics (July 2015).pdfDownload PDF (366.37 KB)
Appendix B - Review of SA Objectives (July 2015).pdfDownload PDF (380.32 KB)
Appendix C - Revised SA Objectives Testing (July 2015).pdfDownload PDF (483.37 KB)
Appendix D - Revised SA Objectives and Criteria (July 2015).pdfDownload PDF (427.99 KB)
Appendix E - Revised SA Framework (July 2015).pdfDownload PDF (996.04 KB)
Appendix F - Revised SAD Objectives Testing (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (445.59 KB)
Appendix G - Revised AAP Objectives Testing (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (449.8 KB)
Appendix H - SAD Options Appraisal Summary (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (1.04 MB)
Appendix I - AAP Options Appraisal Summary (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (872.56 KB)
Appendix J - SA of SAD - Summary (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (627.87 KB)
Appendix K - SA of AAP - Summary (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (537.29 KB)
Appendix L - SAD Rejected Options - Non Reasonable (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (405.96 KB)
Appendix M - AAP Rejected Options - Non Reasonable (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (350.72 KB)
Appendix N - SA of Options for Cannock Chase SAC Mitigation (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (430.86 KB)
Appendix Oi and Oii - Update of Plans and Programmes (February 2016).pdfDownload PDF (837.19 KB)
Appendix P - Guide to where the SA Requirements have been addressed (March 2016).pdfDownload PDF (357.61 KB)
Review of Sustainability Appraisal of Site Allocations DPD and Town Centre Area Action Plan at Publication Stage.pdfDownload PDF (877.74 KB)
Pre-Submission Modifications Updated SAD and AAP SA - Submission Stage: October 2016
Many of the Publication Stage documents listed above have been revised to take account of the review by Ursus Consulting and also to include an assessment of the pre-submission modifications agreed by the Council’s Cabinet in July 2016. The latest documents that include these revisions can be downloaded below. This is the final SA to be submitted as part of the examination:
Documents and Links
Download list
Cover and Contents_0.pdfDownload PDF (191.42 KB)
Non-Technical Summary_0.pdfDownload PDF (509.98 KB)
Chapter 1 - Content & Objectives of SAD & AAP_0.pdfDownload PDF (1.28 MB)
Chapter 2 - SA Process_0.pdfDownload PDF (392.26 KB)
Chapter 3 - Review of Existing Plans & Programmes_0.pdfDownload PDF (2.71 MB)
Chapter 4 - Review of Baseline Conditions_0.pdfDownload PDF (25.59 MB)
Chapter 5 - SAD & AAP Objectives Testing_0.pdfDownload PDF (75.8 KB)
Chapter 6 - SAD & AAP Options Appraisal_0.pdfDownload PDF (417.63 KB)
Chapter 7 - SA of SAD_0.pdfDownload PDF (336.53 KB)
Chapter 8 - SA of AAP_0.pdfDownload PDF (319.65 KB)
Chapter 9 - Pre-Submission Modifications Updated SAD and AAP SA.pdfDownload PDF (226.23 KB)
Chapter 10 - Monitoring.pdfDownload PDF (83.6 KB)
Chapter 11 - Conclusions.pdfDownload PDF (58.62 KB)
Appendix A - Review of SA & SEA Topics (July 2015)_0.pdfDownload PDF (366.37 KB)
Appendix B - Review of SA Objectives (July 2015)_0.pdfDownload PDF (380.32 KB)
Appendix C - Revised SA Objectives Testing (July 2015)_0.pdfDownload PDF (483.37 KB)
Appendix D - Revised SA Objectives and Criteria (July 2015)_0.pdfDownload PDF (427.99 KB)
Appendix E - Revised SA Framework (July 2015)_0.pdfDownload PDF (996.04 KB)
Appendix F - Revised SAD Objectives Testing (January 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (445.59 KB)
Appendix G - Revised AAP Objectives Testing (January 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (449.8 KB)
Appendix H - SAD Options Appraisal Summary (October 2016).pdfDownload PDF (1.06 MB)
Appendix I - AAP Options Appraisal Summary (January 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (872.56 KB)
Appendix J - SA of SAD - Summary (January 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (627.87 KB)
Appendix K - SA of AAP - Summary (January 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (537.29 KB)
Appendix L - SAD Rejected Options - Non Reasonable (October 2016).pdfDownload PDF (424.79 KB)
Appendix M - AAP Rejected Options - Non Reasonable (January 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (350.72 KB)
Appendix N - SA of Options for Cannock Chase SAC Mitigation (October 2016).pdfDownload PDF (462.25 KB)
Appendix Oi and Oii - Update of Plans and Programmes (February 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (837.19 KB)
Appendix P - Guide to where the SA Requirements have been addressed (March 2016)_0.pdfDownload PDF (357.61 KB)
Appendix Q - SA of Pre-Submission Proposed Modifications (October 2016).pdfDownload PDF (763.49 KB)
The Black Country Core Strategy (BCCS) was subject to a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) which was published in June 2010.
The HRA Screening Report, following the precautionary principle, identified the possibility that proposals in the BCCS could have likely significant effects on three European Sites (the Cannock Chase SAC, the Humber Estuary SAC, SPA and Ramsar and the Severn Estuary SAC, SPA and Ramsar).
The Appropriate Assessment (AA) stage of the HRA process recommended that, as the strategic growth network identified in the BCCS would be delivered through individual authorities’ Site Allocation Documents or Area Action Plans, these future plans should re-examine any likely significant effects and any appropriate mitigation that may be needed.
Therefore a separate HRA process has been undertaken to accompany the production of the Site Allocation Document and Town Centre Area Action Plan.
This process has considered the likelihood of any significant effects, as a result of the policies in the proposed Development Plan Documents, to Cannock Chase SAC, Cannock Extension Canal, the Humber Estuary SAC/SPA/Ramsar and Severn Estuary SAC, SPA and Ramsar.
There is an approach to mitigate effects of increased recreational pressure from new residential development developed by the Local Authorities who constitute the Cannock Chase SAC Partnership.
Whilst Walsall Council has dedicated significant amounts of resources and played an active role in discussions with the partnership over several years, for some time the Council was unable to negotiate a mitigation approach that would properly reflect the evidence and the implications insofar as they would relate to Walsall Borough.
However, further work, advice and discussions – reflected in the Pre-Submission Modifications to the Site Allocations Document as well as in a revised HRA Report (October 2016) appear to have resolved the Issues.
Some of the SAC Partnership authorities have said they would have no objection if Natural England does not, and Natural England has accepted the approach in principle.
The approach involves the Council signing an agreement to accept the principle of an 8 km ‘zone of payment’ for mitigation around the SAC, which would take in a small area at the northern tip of Brownhills.
The links below include Walsall's HRA Report (October 2016). The report discusses the potential for impacts to the sites identified, and explains the council's approach towards ensuring the European protected sites are not harmed as a result of implementing the SAD and AAP.
The 'Ashdown Forest' Court case established the requirement for options for the mitigation of significant effects on ‘habitats’ to be the subject of Sustainability Appraisal. The links also include the draft of the proposed legal agreement, which is being shared with the Cannock Chase SAC Partnership.
Documents and Links
Download list
Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Black Country Core Strategy (November 2008) White Young Green.pdfDownload PDF (364.78 KB)
Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Black Country Core Strategy - Screening Report (June 2010) EU Associates.pdfDownload PDF (1.78 MB)
Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Black Country Core Strategy - Appropriate Assessment (June 2010) EU Associates.pdfDownload PDF (949.2 KB)
Walsall Council SAD & AAP Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (October 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (490.69 KB)
Draft Legal Agreement Proposed between Walsall Council and Cannock Chase SAC Partnership (May 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.79 MB)
Updated Draft Legal Agreement Proposed Between Walsall Council and Cannock Chase SAC Partnership (Feb 2018) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.69 MB)
Site Allocation Document (SAD) evidence
The list below is arranged in the order of the chapters in the Site Allocation Document (SAD) and primarily supports that document, however, the evidence will also be used to support other work.
Download list
Black Country Viability Study (October 2009) Mott MacDonald GVA Grimley Ltd.pdfDownload PDF (345.45 KB)
Centres Study.pdfDownload PDF (17.83 MB)
Core Strategy Delivery & Implementation Plan (February 2010) Black Country Consortium.pdfDownload PDF (1.26 MB)
Walsall Site Allocation Document and CIL Deliverability and Viability Study (September 2015) DTZ.pdfDownload PDF (13.19 MB)
Walsall SAD and Town Centre AAP Delivery Strategy and Infrastructure Plan (April 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.28 MB)
West Midlands Land Commission (February 2017) West Midlands Land Commission.pdfDownload PDF (3.08 MB)
(The final report was presented to the West Midlands Combined Authority Board 17th February. This link provides the report and minutes of the meeting)
The amount of new housing that needs to be provided is derived from household projections prepared by the Government and local evidence about the household growth that is expected in the future. The Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) identifies future housing requirements, whilst the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) identifies potential sites that might be developed for new homes. The SHLAA is updated each year and contains details of the five-year housing land supply that the Council is required to maintain. It should be noted that inclusion of a site in the SHLAA does not necessarily mean that the site should be used for housing: the preparation of the local plan includes an assessment of the various evidence to determine what land should be allocated for, taking account of the requirements for different land uses.
Documents and Links
- Walsall Self and Custom Build Register
- ONS Household Projections
- Note that ONS publish a wide range of data about current and projected household and population figures: this is accessible from the above links.
Download list
A Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) for the C3 Housing Market Area of the West Midlands (May 2008) ECOTEC.pdfDownload PDF (1.97 MB)
Housing Needs Assessment Update Borough of Walsall (February 2011) Fordham Research.pdfDownload PDF (4.61 MB)
Walsall Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update (SHLAA) (May 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (2.49 MB)
Walsall Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update (SHLAA) (December 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (2.1 MB)
Dementia and Town Planning (January 2017) RTPI Practice Paper.pdfDownload PDF (663.64 KB)
There is currently a separate process to assess the need for sites for gypsies and travellers. This is because the numbers are generally small and would be “lost” in any assessment of general housing requirements. The Black Country Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) provides an assessment of need to 2018. A draft revision of this, to cover Walsall alone, has been prepared and is linked to below. The draft explains that Government policy about how the need for traveller sites should be assessed is currently in a state of flux.
A gypsy and traveller site assessment matrix has been prepared to assist in determining which potential sites should be allocated for this purpose.
Download list
Travelling Showpeople's Sites - A Planning Focus (undated) The Showmen's Guild.pdfDownload PDF (14.56 MB)
Section 8 of the Housing Act 1985.pdfDownload PDF (175.95 KB)
Designing Gypsy and Traveller sites - good practice guide (May 2008).pdfDownload PDF (4.68 MB)
Black Country Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) (July 2008) Fordham Research Group.pdfDownload PDF (1.88 MB)
Equality Act 2010.pdfDownload PDF (726.89 KB)
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Three Revision Interim Policy Statements and Policy Recommendations (March 2010) West Midlands Regional Assembly.pdfDownload PDF (1.62 MB)
Walsall Council Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Assessment (November 2010 - Published March 2013) Roger Tym and Partners.pdfDownload PDF (540.01 KB)
Walsall Council Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Assessment Appendix (November 2010 - Published March 2013) Roger Tym and Partners.pdfDownload PDF (4.22 MB)
Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (August 2015) Department for Communities and Local Government.pdfDownload PDF (329.27 KB)
Walsall Site Allocation Document Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Sites Assessment Matrix (January 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (76.77 KB)
Gypsies and Travellers Frequently Asked Questions (March 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.1 MB)
Count of Traveller Caravans, January 2016 England (May 2016) Department for Communities and Local Government.pdfDownload PDF (36.08 KB)
Walsall Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Revision 2016 (updated March 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (602.96 KB)
Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Preferred Options Background Document (August 2015 - Updated May 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (7.2 MB)
Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Background Paper (May 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (193.89 KB)
The Council has prepared an Employment Land Review (ELR) to accompany the SAD and AAP. This has been prepared in conjunction with the SHLAA update. The previous Walsall Employment Land Reviews and other evidence can be found below it, along with other Land for Industry Evidence.
Latest ELR
Download list
Walsall Employment Land Review (ELR) - Update (April 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (9.51 MB)
Previous ELRs
Download list
Black Country Joint Core Strategy Assessment of Employment Sites (November 2009) GVA Grimley.pdfDownload PDF (2.83 MB)
Black Country Joint Core Strategy Assessment of Employment Sites - Appendices A - D (November 2009) GVA Grimley.pdfDownload PDF (2 MB)
Black Country Joint Core Strategy Assessment of Employment Sites - Appendices E - H (November 2009) GVA Grimley.pdfDownload PDF (2.95 MB)
Walsall Employment Land Review Volume 1 (January 2012) Roger Tym & Partners.pdfDownload PDF (316.43 KB)
Walsall Employment Land Review Volume 2 (January 2012) Roger Tym & Partners.pdfDownload PDF (4.33 MB)
Walsall Employment Land Review Area Plans (January 2012) Roger Tym & Partners.pdfDownload PDF (16.41 MB)
Other Land for Industry Evidence
Download list
Black Country Enterprise Zone Brochure (December 2012) Black Country LEP.pdfDownload PDF (4.08 MB)
Walsall Employment Land Review (ELR) (September 2015) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (11.19 MB)
Darlaston Local Development Order 2015 PDF.pdfDownload PDF (814.22 KB)
Download list
Walsall Local Centres Study (April 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (12.81 MB)
Walsall’s Playing Pitch Strategy (2010-2015) was developed in parallel with the preparation of Walsall’s Open Space, Sport and Recreational Facilities (PPG17) Audit and Assessment report.
The Playing Pitch Strategy is based on an assessment of supply and demand for key pitch sports across the borough, specifically: football; cricket; rugby union and hockey. It takes account of the quantity, quality and accessibility of facilities, using an eight stage assessment method. This method has been used in accordance with Sport England guidance contained in ‘Towards a Level Playing Field’. The local Playing Pitch Strategy provides a framework for making informed planning decisions, targeting financial support and investment in facilities, and planning the delivery of sports development programmes.
The Walsall PPG17 Audit & Assessment has been prepared to inform the preparation of policies in Walsall's Local Plans and provide evidence for considering planning applications and proposals for developments affecting open space, sport and recreational facilities. It will help the council to plan positively to ensure that there is adequate provision of accessible, high quality open space, sport and recreation facilities that meets the needs and aspirations of local communities, local people and people who work in or visit the Borough. Its findings are drawn from a comprehensive technical assessment that assessed the quality, quantity and accessibility of facilities in the Borough in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance Note 17 (PPG17) ‘Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreational Facilities’ (2002) and the supporting Companion Guide ‘Assessing Local Needs and Opportunities’. It focuses on local needs and local provision and the need to make the most effective use of available resources both now and in the future. As such the focus has been to identify local needs, to audit and digitally map local provision, and to set local provision standards based on the findings identified in the PPG17 assessment for quality, quantity and accessibility
Links and Documents
Walsall's Playing Pitch Strategy
Download list
Walsall's Playing Pitch Strategy (January 2011) Scott Wilson - Strategic Leisure.pdfDownload PDF (1.77 MB)
Appendix 1 - National Strategic Context.pdfDownload PDF (51.76 KB)
Appendix 2 - Supply Data.xlsDownload XLS (48 KB)
Appendix 3 - Demand Data.xlsDownload XLS (180.5 KB)
Appendix 4 - Playing Pitch Model 2010 -15.xlsDownload XLS (586 KB)
Appendix 5 - Playing Pitch Model 2020.xlsDownload XLS (583 KB)
Appendix 6 - Quality Value Matrix.xlsDownload XLS (960.5 KB)
Appendix 7 - GIS Maps.pdfDownload PDF (5.04 MB)
Updated Playing Pitch Strategy for Walsall
Download list
Walsall Playing Pitch Assessment (March 2016) Knight, Kavanagh & Page.pdfDownload PDF (2.57 MB)
Walsall Draft Playing Pitch Strategy (April 2017) Knight, Kavanagh & Page.pdfDownload PDF (1.55 MB)
Walsall's Open Space, Sport and Recreational Facilities
Download list
Walsall’s Open Space, Sport and Recreational Facilities PPG17 Audit and Assessment (February 2011).pdfDownload PDF (3.41 MB)
Scott Wilson - Strategic Leisure
Download list
Appendix 1 - Site List.pdfDownload PDF (201.17 KB)
Appendix 2 - Consultation Overview.pdfDownload PDF (53.35 KB)
Appendix 3 - Quality Audit Assessment Criteria.pdfDownload PDF (36.25 KB)
Appendix 4 - GIS Mapping.pdfDownload PDF (9.83 MB)
Appendix 5 - Standards Calculator.pdfDownload PDF (14.04 KB)
Appendix 6 - Indoor Sports Facility Audit 1.xlsDownload XLS (1.29 MB)
Appendix 6 - Indoor Sports Facility Audit 2.xlsDownload XLS (202 KB)
Appendix 6 - Indoor Sports Facility Analysis.xlsDownload XLS (125 KB)
Other documents
Prepared by the council or other bodies also relevant to open space and community facilities.
Fair Society Healthy Lives - the Marmot Review, (February 2010) Sir Michael Marmot
Download list
Walsall Green Space Strategy 2012-2017 (August 2012) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (14.93 MB)
Transforming Health and Wellbeing for all in Walsall. The Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Walsall 2013-2016 (2014) Walsall Health and Wellbeing Board.pdfDownload PDF (1.28 MB)
15-0165-FL Gorway Campus - University of Wolverhampton (January 2016).pdfDownload PDF (428.03 KB)
15-0744-FL Bentley Lane Cemetery Extension Planning Committee Report (February 2016).pdfDownload PDF (644.15 KB)
15-0744-FL Bentley Lane Cemetery Extension Planning Decision Notice (February 2016).pdfDownload PDF (434 KB)
Walsall Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (2016) Walsall Health and Wellbeing Board.pdfDownload PDF (566.78 KB)
Education and Health Background Paper (April 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (61.75 KB)
Documents and Links
- West Midlands Inventory of Ancient Woodland (May 1986) R. Lean and D.P. Robinson (paper copy available on request)
- Birmingham and the Black Country Ancient Woodland Inventory (December 2008) The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country (paper copy available on request)
- EU Water Framework Directive (October 2000) European Commission
- Black Country Water Cycle Study and Scoping Surface Water Management Plan (September 2009) Scott Wilson
Download list
Hatherton Canal Restoration Supplementary Feasibility Report (February 2009) Atkins.pdfDownload PDF (6.62 MB)
The Black Country Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (February 2009) Jacobs.pdfDownload PDF (1.15 MB)
Black Country Environmental Infrastructure Guidance (EIG) Phase 1 (June 2009) Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton Councils.pdfDownload PDF (2.38 MB)
Policy Advice Notice - Inland Waterways, Unlocking the Potential and Securing the Future of Inland Waterways through the Planning System (July 2009) Town and Country Planning Association and British Waterways.pdfDownload PDF (5.26 MB)
Humber River Basin Management Plan (December 2009) Environment Agency.pdfDownload PDF (4.01 MB)
Making Space for Nature.pdfDownload PDF (1.16 MB)
A review of England’s Wildlife Sites and Ecological Network (September 2010), chaired by Sir John Lawton, DEFRA.pdfDownload PDF (1.16 MB)
UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) - Priority Habitat Descriptions - Wood-Pasture and Parkland (2011) Joint Nature Conservation Committee.pdfDownload PDF (45.37 KB)
Natural Environment White Paper - The natural choice - securing the value of nature (June 2011) DEFRA.pdfDownload PDF (2.55 MB)
Water Resource Management Plan (2014) - South Staffordshire Water.pdfDownload PDF (2.79 MB)
Cannock Chase Local Plan (Part 1) (April 2014) Policy CP9 - A Balanced Economy - Hatherton Branch Canal Restoration (page 120).pdfDownload PDF (9.52 MB)
Local Plans - Delivering Inland Waterway Restoration Projects in England and Wales (April 2015) Canal & River Trust and The Inland Waterways Association.pdfDownload PDF (4.2 MB)
The State of the Environment Dashboard (September 2015) Birmingham & Black Country Local Nature Partnership.pdfDownload PDF (3.91 MB)
Black Country Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (February 2016) Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, Wolverhampton Councils and WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff.pdfDownload PDF (1.26 MB)
Preparatory Work for Walsall Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (December 2016) JBA Consulting.pdfDownload PDF (26.02 MB)
Birmingham and Black Country Nature Improvement Area Ecological Strategy 2017 - 2022 (2017) The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham & Black Country.pdfDownload PDF (1.11 MB)
Cannock Chase Local Plan (Part 2) Issues and Options (January 2017) Chapter 6 - Employment. Issue BE1, (paragraph 6.31).pdfDownload PDF (10.63 MB)
Update to Walsall Flood Risk Data (October 2017) JBA Consulting.pdfDownload PDF (466.82 KB)
Links and Documents
Download list
Gazetteer of operating pre-1940 Breweries in England (February 2010) Brewery History Society.pdfDownload PDF (1.77 MB)
Highgate Conservation Area Appraisal (November 2010) The Conservation Studio.pdfDownload PDF (2.01 MB)
UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Habitat Descriptions - Wood-Pasture and Parkland (2011) Joint Nature Conservation Committee.pdfDownload PDF (45.37 KB)
Managing Water Abstraction (May 2013) The Environment Agency.pdfDownload PDF (1.1 MB)
Great Barr Hall and Chapel Listing Review Advice Report (April 2016) Historic England.pdfDownload PDF (187.03 KB)
Great Barr Hall Background Paper to Policy ENV7(December 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.33 MB)
You can view supporting documents for current Great Barr Hall planning applications on our planning portal. Enter 13/1567/FL into the 'planning reference' search box.
Links and Documents
- Planning for Sustainable Waste Management: Companion Guide to PPS10 (June 2006) CLG
- BCCS Waste Planning Study (May 2009) Atkins
- Planning for Sustainable Waste Management: Planning Policy Statement 10: (March 2011) CLG
- Energy from Waste Development Guidance (September 2012), WRAP
- Guidance for Local Planning Authorities on Implementing the Planning Requirements of the EU Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) (December 2012) CLG
- Energy from Waste – A Guide to the Debate and Updated Municipal Waste Technology Profiles (February 2013) Defra
- Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Waste Local Plan (March 2013)
- Warwickshire Waste Local Plan (July 2013)
- Waste Management Plan for England (December 2013), Defra
- National Planning Policy for Waste (October 2014), CLG
- National Planning Policy Guidance for Waste (October 2015) CLG
- Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator 2007 – 2012 (these data sets can be obtained from Environment Agency Data Share service. N.B. there may be a charge)
- Environment Agency Public Register
Download list
BCCS Waste Background Paper 2.pdfDownload PDF (1.99 MB)
Waste Background Paper 2 - Appendices - February 2010.pdfDownload PDF (1.53 MB)
Black Country Core Strategy – Waste Monitoring Update (June 2010) Black Country Authorities.pdfDownload PDF (50.57 KB)
13-0725-WA Land off Fryers Road Planning Decision Notice (September 2013).pdfDownload PDF (212.11 KB)
11-0943-FL Branton Hill Quarry Planning Decision Notice (October 2013).pdfDownload PDF (69.99 KB)
15-0801-FL Former Wesson Steel Works, Bull Lane Planning Decision Notice (November 2015).pdfDownload PDF (467.94 KB)
15-0801-FL Former Wesson Steel Works, Bull Lane Planning Decision Notice (November 2015).pdfDownload PDF (467.94 KB)
15-1157 Planning permission.pdfDownload PDF (471.15 KB)
16-0465 Highfields South Quarry Planning Decision Notice (September 2016).pdfDownload PDF (503.9 KB)
14-0619-CM Atlas Quarry Planning Decision Notice (February 2017).pdfDownload PDF (648.74 KB)
Links and Documents
- Buildings of Walsall: An Illustrated Architectural History (2004), Peter Arnold (available to purchase on-line, or may be viewed at/borrowed from Walsall libraries)
- Black Country Joint Core Strategy: Minerals Study (March 2008) - RPS for Black Country Authorities
- National and Regional Guidelines for Aggregates Provision in England 2005-2020 (June 2009) CLG
- Black Country Core Strategy Minerals Background Paper 2 (February 2010) and Minerals Monitoring Update (June 2010), Black Country Authorities
- Mineral Safeguarding in England: Good Practice Advice (2011) - BGS and Coal Authority
- Guidance on Prior Extraction of Coal Resources During Development Activity (July 2013), Coal Authority and CoalPro
- Mineral Extraction in Great Britain 2011 and 2011 Annual Minerals Raised Inquiry (AMRI) Survey (2013), CLG
Download list
EB233 - Brownhills Common & Birch Coppice Appeal Decision (January 1954).pdfDownload PDF (1.36 MB)
EB3410 – Highfields North Decision Notice (September 1966).pdfDownload PDF (129.76 KB)
BA5827 – Ibstock Brick Decision Notice (May 1977).pdfDownload PDF (118.2 KB)
SSSI Citation for Cannock Extension Canal (March 1993) Natural England.pdfDownload PDF (4.89 KB)
BC40528P - Salvesen Brick Ltd, Stubbers Green Road Decision Notice (December 1994).pdfDownload PDF (368.14 KB)
Mineral Resource Information for Development Plans Technical Report WF993 – West Midlands (1999) – BGS.pdfDownload PDF (446.52 KB)
Mineral Resource Map – Warwickshire West Midlands (1999) - BGS.pdfDownload PDF (8.42 MB)
BC52105P - Branton Hill ROMP (March 1999).pdfDownload PDF (435.14 KB)
BC48813P – Birch Coppice - Brownhills Common Planning Committee Report (July 1999).pdfDownload PDF (2.64 MB)
Brick Clay - Issues for Planning (2001), DTLR and BGS.pdfDownload PDF (2.18 MB)
BC61247P - Aldridge Quarry ROMP Committee Report (April 2001).pdfDownload PDF (598.95 KB)
04-1603-MI-M1 Ibstock Brick Planning Decision Notice (December 2004).pdfDownload PDF (979.61 KB)
Summary of Information on Coal for Land-Use Planning Purposes (2006) - CLG and BGS.pdfDownload PDF (3.47 MB)
Survey of Arisings and Use of Alternatives to Primary Aggregates in England, 2005 Construction, Demolition and Excavation Waste (February 2007) DCLG.pdfDownload PDF (1.22 MB)
07-0046-WA-E1 Highfields South Quarry Planning Decision Notice (April 2007).pdfDownload PDF (3.55 MB)
10-0165-FL Vigo Utopia and Highfields South Quarries Planning Decision Notice (April 2010).pdfDownload PDF (25.93 KB)
09-1730-MI Wienerberger Ltd, Sandown Quarry Planning Decision Notice (June 2010).pdfDownload PDF (61.57 KB)
Black Country Core Strategy - Minerals Monitoring Update (June 2010) Black Country Authorities.pdfDownload PDF (69.7 KB)
SSSI Citation for Chasewater and Southern Staffordshire Heaths (December 2010) Natural England.pdfDownload PDF (108.51 KB)
11-0953-FL Highfields South Landfill Site Planning Decision Notice (September 2011).pdfDownload PDF (42.56 KB)
Collation of the results of the 2009 aggregate minerals survey for England and Wales (October 2011) British Geological Survey, Department for Communities and Local Government and Welsh National Assembly.pdfDownload PDF (4 MB)
08-1338-FL Wienerberger Ltd, Sandown Works Planning Decision Notice (November 2011).pdfDownload PDF (201.62 KB)
Strategic Stone Study - A Building Stone Atlas of Staffordshire, Stoke-on- Trent, Walsall and Wolverhampton (January 2012) English Heritage.pdfDownload PDF (3.32 MB)
11-0943-FL Branton Hill Lane Access Road Planning Decision Notice (October 2013).pdfDownload PDF (69.99 KB)
Developing Onshore Shale Gas and Oil – Facts about ‘Fracking’ (December 2013) DECC.pdfDownload PDF (617.35 KB)
Solihull Local Plan (2013).pdfDownload PDF (8.07 MB)
Walsall Council Site Allocation Document and Area Action Plan Minerals Project - Review of Evidence Base for Minerals and Viability and Deliverability of Mineral Development Options (July 2015) Amec Foster Wheeler.pdfDownload PDF (6.56 MB)
15-0303-FL Wienerberger Ltd, Sandown Works Planning Decision Notice (September 2015).pdfDownload PDF (435.92 KB)
15-1403 Cory Environmental Highfields South Quarry Planning Decision Notice (October 2015).pdfDownload PDF (204.93 KB)
West Midlands Metropolitan Area - Local Aggregates Assessment (LAA) 2015 (November 2015) West Midlands Aggregates Working Party.pdfDownload PDF (887.59 KB)
This is the final version of the 2015 West Midlands Metropolitan Area LAA, which was formally endorsed by the West Midlands Aggregates Working Party (AWP) on 21 March 2016. No substantive changes have been made since the Draft LAA (November 2015) was published on this page on 7 March 2016.
- Written statement to Parliament 'Priorities for UK energy and climate change policy' (November 2015) Amber Rudd
- Oil and Gas Licensing Rounds: 14th Landward Licensing Round – Map Showing Blocks Offered Under 14th Landward Licensing Round (December 2015), Department for Energy and Climate Change (as of 1 October 2016 this has been overseen by the Oil and Gas Authority)
- Coalfield Plans for Walsall: Surface Mining Coal Resource Areas and Coal Mining Risk Area Plan (July 2016) - Coal Authority
- Guidance on Fracking: Developing Shale Gas in the UK (DBIS) (Januaray 2017)
- Staffordshire Minerals Local Plan 2017 (February 2017)
- West Midlands Aggregates Working Party Annual Reports 2001 – 2010
- Warwickshire Minerals Local Plan (in preparation)
- National Planning Practice Guidance (“living” guidance) - Minerals
- Petroleum Act 1998: Onshore Licensing Maps (updated regularly) – DECC
- Mineral Planning Factsheets (various dates), BGS
- Prior Extraction Opportunities (updated monthly), Coal Authority
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Website – Cannock Extension Canal SAC web page
Download list
Brick Clay Supply in Walsall (December 2015) (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (20.23 KB)
Brick Clay Supply in the West Midlands – Tables (March 2016) West Midlands Non-Aggregate Minerals DTC Group (Excel).xlsxDownload XLSX (28.67 KB)
Brick Clay Supply in the West Midlands – Map (May 2016) West Midlands Non-Aggregate Minerals DTC GroupDownload PDF (1.7 MB)
14-0619-CM Ibstock Brick Atlas Quarry Planning Decision Notice (February 2017).pdfDownload PDF (648.74 KB)
BA17797P.pdfDownload PDF (326.79 KB)
BC39489P.pdfDownload PDF (8.48 MB)
Environmental Setting and Installation Drawing.pdfDownload PDF (642.34 KB)
Proposed Conceptual Masterplan.pdfDownload PDF (271.83 KB)
Proposed Restoration Masterplan.pdfDownload PDF (1.36 MB)
02-1376-M1-M1.pdfDownload PDF (110.97 KB)
Documents and Links
Strategic Transport Plan: “Movement for Growth” (December 2015) West Midlands Combined Authority.
Download list
Review of Black Country Transport Strategy (April 2009) Mott Macdonald.pdfDownload PDF (269.97 KB)
PRISM Black Country Core Strategy Transport Technical Document (July 2009) PRISM Joint Application Team.pdfDownload PDF (920.38 KB)
West Midlands and Chilterns Route Utilisation Strategy (May 2011) Network Rail.pdfDownload PDF (7.08 MB)
Black Country Rapid Transit Review (October 2015) Steer Davies Gleave.pdfDownload PDF (770.18 KB)
16-0806 Bradley Lane Moxley Planning Decision Notice (November 2016).pdfDownload PDF (577.38 KB)
17-0165.pdfDownload PDF (733.25 KB)
Scoping Opinion Response for Junction 10 of M6 Improvements (March 2017).pdfDownload PDF (733.25 KB)
Download list
UK Renewable Energy Strategy (July 2009) The Department of Energy & Climate Change.pdfDownload PDF (2.47 MB)
Core Strategy Delivery & Implementation Plan (February 2010) Black Country Consortium_0.pdfDownload PDF (1.26 MB)
National Renewable Energy Action Plan for the UK Article 4 of the Renewable Energy Directive 2009-28-EC (2010).pdfDownload PDF (1.05 MB)
Area Action Plan (AAP) evidence
Walsall Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP) is supported by a wide range of other documents and studies which are provided below, arranged in the order of the chapters in the AAP:
Download list
Black Country Centres Study (November 2009) GVA Grimley.pdfDownload PDF (1.05 MB)
Appendix 1 & 2.pdfDownload PDF (103.71 KB)
Appendix 3.pdfDownload PDF (551.12 KB)
Appendix 4.pdfDownload PDF (1.03 MB)
Appendix 5 (Dudley).pdfDownload PDF (1.88 MB)
Appendix 5 (Sandwell).pdfDownload PDF (2.14 MB)
Appendix 5 (Wolverhampton and Walsall).pdfDownload PDF (2.2 MB)
Appendix 6.pdfDownload PDF (2.79 MB)
Appendix 7, 8 & 9.pdfDownload PDF (397.18 KB)
Appendix 10.pdfDownload PDF (73.19 KB)
Plans 1 - 8.pdfDownload PDF (1.35 MB)
Wallsall Budget 2017-2018.pdfDownload PDF (3.45 MB)
Download list
Walsall Town Centre Demand Study and Development Sites Assessment (July 2015) DTZ.pdfDownload PDF (20.86 MB)
Walsall Site Allocation Document and CIL Deliverability and Viability Study (September 2015) DTZ_0.pdfDownload PDF (13.19 MB)
Walsall SAD and Town Centre AAP Delivery Strategy and Infrastructure Plan (April 2017) Walsall Council_0.pdfDownload PDF (1.28 MB)
Download list
St Matthew’s Quarter – Relocation of Walsall Market (September 2009) GVA Grimley.pdfDownload PDF (5.25 MB)
St Matthew’s Quarter, Walsall. Update of Evidence Base for Market Relocation (August 2010) GVA Grimley.pdfDownload PDF (8.76 MB)
13-1421-FL Digbeth- Lower Hall Lane Planning Decision Notice (January 2014).pdfDownload PDF (204.4 KB)
Walsall Market - Location Review and Evidence Base (February 2014) Arup.pdfDownload PDF (4.61 MB)
14-1871-FL The Bridge Walsall Market Design and Access Statement (December 2014) Arup.pdfDownload PDF (3.41 MB)
14-1871-FL The Bridge Walsall Market Planning Decision Notice (March 2015).pdfDownload PDF (151.99 KB)
14-1886-FL Old Square Shopping Centre Planning Decision Notice (March 2015).pdfDownload PDF (173.48 KB)
Mill Green Designer Outlet Village Critique of Town Centre Impacts (GVA) (August 2015).pdfDownload PDF (2.48 MB)
Download list
08-0951-OL Walsall Gigaport Outline Planning Decision Notice (December 2008).pdfDownload PDF (5.54 MB)
11-1541-TE Walsall Gigaport Time Extension Decision Notice (February 2012).pdfDownload PDF (115.41 KB)
Black Country LEP Social Enterprise Prospectus (January 2015) Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership.pdfDownload PDF (2.79 MB)
Walsall Employment Land Review 2016 - Update (April 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (9.51 MB)
Download list
Walsall Leisure Demand Study (October 2007) Lambert Smith Hampton.pdfDownload PDF (1.17 MB)
Black Country Environmental Infrastructure Guidance (June 2009) Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton Councils.pdfDownload PDF (2.38 MB)
Policy Advice Notice - Inland Waterways., Unlocking the Potential and Securing the Future of Inland Waterways through the Planning System (July 2009) Town and Country Planning Association and British Waterways.pdfDownload PDF (5.26 MB)
13-0440-FL Waterfront Cinema Planning Decision Notice (June 2013).pdfDownload PDF (267.96 KB)
Review of Heritage Services in Walsall (September 2013) Black Radley Culture.pdfDownload PDF (1.42 MB)
- Conservation Areas boundaries
- National Heritage List for England – Historic England
- Heritage at Risk Register – Historic England
- Wolverhampton and Walsall Historic Environment Record
- Designing Walsall Supplementary Planning Document (adopted July 2013)
- Walsall Shop Front Supplementary Planning Document (adopted April 2015)
Download list
Bridge Street Townscape Heritage Initiative Projects Undertaken (October 2011) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (226.36 KB)
Walsall Wayfinding Strategy Document (August 2012) Urbed.pdfDownload PDF (6.05 MB)
Walsall Council Draft Public Realm Study (March 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (5.97 MB)
Walsall Town Centre Historic Environment Site Assessment (March 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (565.86 KB)
Walsall Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update (May 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (2.49 MB)
Education and Health Background Paper (April 2017) Walsall Council..pdfDownload PDF (61.75 KB)
Draft Walsall Town Centre Characterisation Study (March 2016) Walsall Council:
Download list
Section 1 - Introduction and Methodology.pdfDownload PDF (4.18 MB)
Section 2 - Canal Link.pdfDownload PDF (15.96 MB)
Section 3 - Town End.pdfDownload PDF (14.67 MB)
Section 4 - Civic Centre.pdfDownload PDF (14 MB)
Section 5 - Chuckery and Arboretum.pdfDownload PDF (12.83 MB)
Section 6 - Church Hill.pdfDownload PDF (13.1 MB)
Section 7 - Bradford Street.pdfDownload PDF (14.75 MB)
Section 8 - Appendicies.pdfDownload PDF (573.38 KB)
- Strategic Transport Plan: “Movement for Growth” (December 2015) West Midlands Combined Authority
- Black Country Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (Adopted February 2017)
- The National Cycle Route
Download list
The West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority Cycle Charter (April 2014) Transport for West Midlands.pdfDownload PDF (390.49 KB)
West Midlands Low Emissions Towns and Cities Programme Planning Guidance (May 2014) West Midlands Low Emissions Towns & Cities Programme..pdfDownload PDF (1.42 MB)
Bradford Place Indicative Site Plan (January 2015) AECOM.pdfDownload PDF (395.22 KB)
Black Country Rapid Transit review (October 2015) Steer Davies Gleave..pdfDownload PDF (770.18 KB)
Bradford Place West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority Note (December 2015) West Midlands Combined Authority.pdfDownload PDF (271 KB)
Walsall Town Centre Traffic Model 2021 Forecast Year Evaluation Report (May 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.27 MB)
Walsall Town Centre Ring Road Modelling Report (August 2016) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.03 MB)
Bradford Place Background Note (April 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (2.28 MB)
Bradford Place Bus Facility Feasibility (May 2017) ch2m..pdfDownload PDF (585.69 KB)
Town Centre Car Parking Strategy (May 2017) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (1.15 MB)
- EU Water Framework Directive (October 2000) European Commission
- Black Country Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (February 2016) Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, Wolverhampton Councils and WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Preparatory Work for Walsall Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (December 2016) JBA Consulting
Download list
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for the Black Country (Level 1), (February 2009) Jacobs..pdfDownload PDF (1.15 MB)
Humber River Basin Management Plan (December 2009) Environment Agency..pdfDownload PDF (4.01 MB)
Walsall Council Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, (March 2011) Walsall Council.pdfDownload PDF (4.28 MB)
APP-V4630-W-15-3009493 5-6 Day Street Planning Appeal Decision (May 2015).pdfDownload PDF (76.93 KB)
Walsall Council SAD & AAP Minerals Project - Review of Evidence Base for Minerals and Viability and Deliverability of Mineral Development Options (July 2015), Amec Foster Wheeler..pdfDownload PDF (6.56 MB)