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Black Country Plan Evidence

We are reviewing our Local Plan and want to create a new local plan called the Black Country Plan.

The Black Country Plan will provide direction on the future growth of the area to 2039. It will replace the current Black Country Core Strategy (BCCS) which we created in 2011. 

We will continue to use the existing BCCS when making planning decisions until the Black Country formally adopted.

Walsall-specific evidence

You can find Walsall-specific pieces of evidence for the Black Country Plan on the Black Country Plan website.

Housing land supply evidence

Visit our planning policy pages for evidence relating to Walsall's housing land supply.


We carried out ecology surveys on sites for assessment as part of the Black Country Plan. Some sites have become Sites of Importance to Nature Conservation (SINCs) or Sites of Local Importance to Nature Conservation (SLINCs) following the surveys. Some existing SINCS and SLINCS may have changed after the surveys.

Local site assessment reports

We have listed the reports by their 'Call for Sites' reference number.

Some of these files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you use assistive technology and need a version of a document in a more accessible format, contact us. We can provide you with an accessible version. In the case of maps and drawings we can talk to you to explain the contents.

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