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Removal of highway trees

Section 115 of the Environment Act requires us to consult residents about felling street trees where there are no exemptions.

Examples of exemptions include:

  • a tree that’s dead
  • trees that are dangerous or likely to become a danger
  • trees that must be removed to enable emergency works to take place

Some trees have statutory controls (such as tree preservation orders) to protect them. We want to know your views about felling particular street trees that are not covered by any statutory controls.

If a street tree needs to be felled, we may need to obtain a felling licence first.

Current street tree consultations

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Take part in a consultation

You can have your say on the current consultations listed above by emailing us. Please remember to include:

  • the location of the street tree
  • street name and nearby house number
  • your comments on the proposal for the tree

Public consultation periods are open for 28 days.

What happens next

We do not fell trees unless there is an absolute need to. Although an objection on its own might not carry much weight, we will consider any alternative suggestions you may have to felling the tree.

We won't publish objections or comments.

The time between the consultation and the tree being felled will vary. For the safety of the workforce and local residents, we'll do this at a time of year when deposits and dust are at lower levels.