Car parks
Parking QR code scam:
Do not scan QR codes or barcodes on parking machines. Read more in our newsroom story.
Find your nearest car park
You can search for parking across Walsall Borough on our map:
- Go to MyWalsall
- Select the 'my maps' tab
- Go to the 'highways and transportation' section (make sure there aren't any other sections ticked)
- Select the type of parking you want to locate (you can choose more than one)
Selecting a car park will reveal the the name, postcode and tariff.
Charges and parking permits
You can:
- find out more about our car park charges
- pay for parking
- buy a long stay season ticket or a business permit
Blue badge parking
If you've got a blue badge, you can:
- park for free all day in any of our long stay car parks
- park for free for up to 4 hours in any of our short stay car parks
A blue badge does not entitle you to park in a resident's parking bay without a permit.
Police officers, traffic wardens, parking attendants and civil enforcement officers have the power to inspect your badge. If you don't show your badge when they ask, you'll be breaking the law and you could be fined up to £1,000.
Find out more about blue badge eligibility and how to apply
Report a faulty parking machine
If you find a faulty ticket machine in one of our car parks, you can let us know. Contact the car parks team.