Report a planning breach
If works have taken place without the correct planning permission, you can report it to us.
We can investigate:
- new buildings
- extensions
- internal and external works to a listed building
- changing the use of land or buildings
- non-compliance with conditions attached to a planning permission
- putting up certain advertisements
- removing or lopping protected trees
We won't investigate:
- private disputes with neighbours
- disgreements over boundary, ownership or party walls
- covenant issues
- use of, or development on, highways, pavements or verges
There are other ways to report:
How to make a report
First, you should check if the works already have planning permission. You can do this by searching the planning history.
If you still think there is a breach, you can report it online. Where possible, please include photographs and any other evidence.
We do not investigate anonymous reports.
Your personal information when reporting a planning breach
When you report a planning breach, we will record the following information:
- your name
- your address and contact information
- the address of the alleged breach
- details of the breach as reported, and any documents you provide
We will treat your personal information confidentially. It will not be given to people or organisations outside of the council unless we are legally required to do this.
Find out more about the information we collect.
What happens next
We will assess your report against our local enforcement plan. You can download the documents below for more information.
Download list
Local planning enforcement planDownload PDF (361.02 KB)
Residents guide to local planning enforcement planDownload PDF (130.27 KB)
The registers below provide details of notices that have been served, and compliance.
Download list
Walsall planning enforcement notice registerDownload PDF (882.85 KB)
Walsall breach of conditions notice registerDownload PDF (497.54 KB)