Find and comment on a planning application
You can search for and comment on live planning applications online.
How to find a planning application
Alternatively, you can search using our map. Enter the postcode or address into the text box to zoom in to the location.
Map of planning applications
You can also view the weekly list of new applications and decisions.
Commenting on a live application
Once you’ve found the application, you’ll be able to submit your comments. Anyone can comment on a planning application that has not yet been decided.
We encourage you to provide your name and address when commenting. This will make sure that they are taken into account.
There are some things we have to think about when considering planning applications, and some things we can't. These are called material planning considerations.
Common material considerations include:
- our planning policies
- central Government planning guidance
- adverse effect on the residential amenity of neighbours, for example noise, disturbance, overlooking (but not loss of view), loss of privacy, daylight, sunlight and overshadowing
- the size, appearance, layout and density of the proposed development
- accessibility
- size, appearance, layout and density
- visual impact
- effect on the character of the neighbourhood
- design (including bulk and massing, detailing and materials, if these form part of the application)
- over-bearing, out-of-scale or out of character compared with existing development in the vicinity
- if in/near to a conservation area, adverse effect of the development on the character and appearance of the conservation area
- if near a listed building, adverse effect on the setting of the listed building
- means of access, parking, servicing, traffic generation, highway safety (where there is technical evidence to back up this claim)
- impact on landscape and ecological habitats
- crime prevention and community safety
- effect on archaeology
- air quality and odours and hazardous materials/ground contamination
- flood risk
- renewable energy, sustainability of proposed development
- previous appeal decisions
- loss of trees
This is not an exhaustive list.
- the racial or ethnic origin of the applicant, their sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political views or affiliations or any other personal attributes
- the reasons or motives of the applicant in applying for planning permission (for example if the development is thought to be purely speculative or for financial gain)
- the behaviour of the applicant
- nuisance or annoyance previously caused by the applicant (unless this relates to an existing development for which retrospective permission is being sought)
- concerns about possible future development of the site
- any effect on the financial value of neighbouring properties
- other non-planning laws, e.g. right to light, building regulations, environmental legislation, highway enforcement alcohol or gaming licences
- trade competition or loss of business
- loss of view
- problems arising from the construction period of any works, e.g. noise, dust, construction vehicles, hours of work (unless controlled by a planning condition)
- other private property matters such as:
- boundary and access disputes
- building work near or on your shared property boundary, or party wall
- damage to property during construction
- private rights of way
- restrictive covenants
- private drains
How we use your comments
We will consider and address your comments in our assessment, but we don’t acknowledge receipt or respond to them.
Your comments, including any personal details, will form part of the planning file. This file will be retained indefinitely. Comments will only be used in the planning decision making process, and they won't be published online.
Planning applications files will be made available to anyone who wants to see them. The information may also be released as part of Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulation requests.
Where required, we'll provide your comments to the Planning Inspectorate as part of any appeals process.