
This is a new service - your feedback will help us to improve it.

Become a volunteer litter picker

Sign up to become a volunteer litter picker and find out how we can support you.


  1. Sign up

    You only need to sign the volunteer agreement once, then you're free to litter pick or attend group sessions whenever you like.

    You can sign up online. Our form includes an equipment request. Litter picking equipment is free to borrow.

    If you don't want to fill in the online form, you can download our information pack instead. Print and fill in the forms, then send them back us by email or post.

    You'll need to:

    • sign the disclaimer on page 11
    • fill in your litter picking equipment request on page 12

    Download list

  2. Do a risk assessment

    You should understand the risks of litter picking, and know what to do if you find something hazardous. This is called a risk assessment. 

    A risk assessment is not mandatory, but we do encourage it.

    Group organisers

    If you're the organiser of a group event, you should also:

    • take responsibility for completing the risk assessment.
    • take attendance of the volunteers that have attended your litterpick
    • sign up any new volunteers 
    • give a health and safety talk using the risk assessment as support

    Download list

    Guidance for completing your risk assessment

    The table below explains the most common risks, and what you can do to control them.





    Broken glass, sharp/rusty edges

    Cuts and infections

    Use litter pick to pick up sharp litter

    Up to date tetanus

    Seek medical or first aid attention if needed


    Cuts and infections

    Leave and contact us for removal

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Heavy/awkward rubbish

    Pulled or strained muscles

    Take care when lifting – use good lifting practises and share the load

    If an item or bag is too heavy leave it and report it to us

    Stop if feeling discomfort

    Seek medical attention if persists

    Batteries, asbestos and miscellaneous chemicals

    Potentially dangerous depending on condition

    Do not approach or remove any potentially hazardous waste

    Report it to us

    Seek medical attention if exposed. Take note of any labels

    Ground condition

    Sprains, muscle damage and broken bones

    Avoid dangerous areas and choose safest route

    Wear sensible footwear

    Seek medical or first aid attention if needed

    Highways, cars, and motorbikes

    Collision with vehicles

    Avoid proximity to cars and roads

    Be aware and look out

    Do not litter pick on roads with more than 40mph speed limits

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Lone working

    Physical or verbal assault

    Be aware of aggressive individuals

    Do not get involved in a conflict

    Have a phone and let someone know where you are

    Seek medical attention if needed  

    Animals – domestic and wild

    Lymes disease

    Beware of animals

    Avoid contact with animals and faeces

    Seek medical attention if bit or scratched



    Stop work in adverse weather

    Dress appropriately for conditions

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Dog faeces

    Toxocara canis

    Do not touch dog faeces

    Always wear gloves

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Steep slopes

    Sprains, muscle damage and broken bones

    Stay away from these areas

    Avoid litter picking on steep slopes

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Electric fences


    Always assume the fence is live

    Do not touch the electric fence

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Water, marshes and bogs

    Hypothermia drowning

    Avoid banks especially if it appears to be unstable and work in pairs

    Be aware of surroundings

    Non swimmers must not be near the water

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Hedges, fences, walls and ditches

    Falls, cuts and sprains

    Take care when climbing stiles, particularly in wet weather

    Avoid climbing walls or fences

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Tools and equipment

    Volunteers will be shown how to use the equipment appropriately

    Use appropriate protection

    Have a first aider and first aid kit

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Trees and shrubs

    Trips, cuts and eye pokes

    Be aware of hazards and risks

    Be aware of branches and roots

    Seek medical attention if needed

    Irritants and dangerous plants

    Poisoning, skin irritation and allergic reactions

    Wear gloves

    Be aware of dangerous plants and possible reactions

    Wash hands thoroughly

    Seek medical attention for any unusual symptoms


    Cuts and infections

    If you find a weapon please secure it safely and hand it in to the closest police station

    Seek medical attention if needed

  3. Go out litter picking

    Once you've got your kit, you're ready to go out litter picking.

    Join a group

    Visit Walsall Community Litter Watch on Facebook to find up-to-date details of when and where litter picks are taking place. 

    We advertise group picks, share stories and photos, and support one another.

    Be an independent litter picker

    If you'd rather not join a group but still want to make a difference to your community, you could adopt your street. Just pop out and litter pick your own road, and we'll collect any rubbish.

  4. Tell us where you've left your litter

    We will dispose of the rubbish that you have collected. 

    Wherever possible:

    • leave your bags by a Walsall Council street bin, and they will be collected every other week day, or
    • leave your bags somewhere that doesn't block the path (if there's no bin nearby), and fill in our street cleaning report form to let us know the location and number of bags.
  5. Tell us how it went

    Please let us know if you have litter picked around your area. We want to know how many bags you collected and how many people took part.

    We will be able to use this data to show the positive impact volunteers have on our neighbourhoods. 

    You can let us know by posting on Walsall Community Litter Watch on Facebook, or by emailing us.