Local democracy - your rights
You have the right to:
- Attend any meeting where decisions are being taken, except on those occasions when confidential or exempt matters are being discussed. This applies to the cabinet, all council committees, meetings of the council and overview and scrutiny committees.
- To request to speak and ask questions at any meeting that you attend. Permission will be at the discretion of the chairman.
- To inspect reports and background papers, except those relating to exempt or confidential matters, at least three clear days before the decision is taken
- Express your views on any matter and for those views to be taken into account
- Examine the council's accounts and contact the external auditor
- Contact any councillor
- Contact the council officer responsible for the service you are interested in
- Look up the forward plan of key decisions
- Draw up or sign a petition on any matter relating to the council's business
Compliments, comments and complaints
You can make a compliment, comment or complaint online.