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How decisions are made

The leader and cabinet

Walsall Council has adopted a leader and cabinet system which makes all the key decisions. It operates along similar lines to central government. 

Select committees (referred to as Overview and Scrutiny Committees in Walsall) hold the cabinet to account and are able to ask for decisions to be reviewed.

Local councillors

The borough's 60 local councillors have a vital role to play under this system, representing your interests.

They are your key link to the council, channelling your views and giving advice and help.

To find out which councillor represents you, view the councillors page on our committee information website.  

Council committees

Council committees handle matters such as enforcement, licensing and planning applications. 

The council, made up of all councillors, approves the major plans and strategies, including the budget. 

Attend a committee meeting

As part of your local democratic rights, you are welcome to attend any of these meetings which are advertised in advance.

Items where personal or confidential contract matters are involved may be discussed in private.

Agendas will be published five days in advance so you know what is coming up. 

Details of forthcoming matters where key decisions are to be made are published up to four months in advance in the Forward Plan. 

Please view the public documents page on our committee information website.