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Public health

The Public Health duty of Walsall Council was established in April 2013. We have a number of responsibilities relating to your health.

Our responsibilities

Walsall Council has six core mandatory public health functions. These are to:

  • provide appropriate access to sexual and reproductive health services
  • ensure there are plans in place to protect the health of the population and responding to and recovering from, public health emergencies (such as COVID-19)
  • ensure local partners, including the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) receive the Public Health advice they need
  • encourage and deliver NHS Health Check assessments
  • deliver the National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP).  

Walsall Public Health is a team made up of doctors, nurses, consultants and professionals.

Director of Public Health annual report

This report is an important measure of health and wellbeing in the borough. It helps us and our partners to:

  • address potential issues
  • make recommendations for improvements in Walsall
  • showcase our good work

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Walsall Insight

Access the latest data on Walsall and its residents on the Walsall Insight website.

Joint strategic needs assessment

A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a way to understand the future health, care and well-being needs of a community. The local health economy, authorities and third sector organisations work together on this.

Read the latest JSNA on the Walsall Insight website.

Pharmaceutical needs assessment 2022-2025

Walsall Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has approved the Walsall PNA 2022-2025. This is a statutory HWB responsibility, as set out under the NHS (Pharmaceutical Services and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013.

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