Walsall Wellbeing Directory
Helping you to find services in Walsall
Use technology and access the internet
Education and training
Develop knowledge, skills and abilities
Help to be healthy in mind and body
Housing and accommodation
Help with housing, accommodation and homes
Meaningful activities
Engage in activity you find stimulating and enjoyable
Meaningful connections
Build mutual and fulfilling bonds and relationships
Getting to the people and places we want to see
Money matters
Help for you to be able to pay for your basic needs
Where we live
Be satisfied with the building and/or area we live in
Leisure and sport
Use the great facilities at our leisure and sports centres
Libraries, museums and galleries
Lots to do at your local museums, libraries and galleries
Activities for the whole family
About our new directory
The Walsall Wellbeing Directory replaces the Walsall Community Living Directory. It contains activities, services and groups to help all residents of the Walsall Borough live healthy, active and fulfilling lives.
You can find something to help you, whether you want to:
- keep healthy
- be sociable
- stay independent
- feel included
- improve your well being
- get involved
- stay safe
- find suitable care and support
What services do you want to see?
As a user of our directory we want to hear from you about the services you want on your directory. Please contact us to let us know if there are services you want to include or improvements you want to see.