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Willenhall Framework

The Willenhall Framework plan sets out a 10-year vision and delivery strategy for future housing growth and development of Willenhall.


Willenhall will grow into a vibrant, connected and welcoming town with a strong sense of place which celebrates its diverse communities and promotes safe, healthy and active lifestyles. Quality design and sustainable construction will move Willenhall towards a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future.

In delivering the vision, Willenhall will:

  • provide a range of high quality, energy efficient, attractive new homes providing housing choice across a full affordability range
  • provide access to opportunities for the people of Willenhall connected to the wider region through the new Willenhall train station
  • maximise the benefit from the economic growth and investment across the West Midlands
  • create a healthy and high-quality living environment where residents are easily able to walk and cycle
  • benefit from high quality, green and active public spaces and links which will better connect the Memorial Park to the town centre and the greenway to create an attractive environment for residents and visitors
  • be a greener town, which will enhance the opportunity for family play, safe social gathering and physical activity built around a series of linked character areas and public spaces
  • be a healthy town with a range of schools, health care and community services.


The framework identifies four areas of opportunity:

  • Moat Street / Villiers Street
  • Pinson Road
  • Station Gateway
  • North Willenhall

We're proposing to incorporate new housing, green spaces, community facilities and improved walking and cycle routes in the development of these areas.

Delivery of the areas of opportunity will require a phased programme of land and property acquisitions over a medium-long term period. At this stage, Moat Street / Villiers Street has been identified as the Phase 1 intervention.

The boundaries of these areas outlined in the framework plan are indicative and may change as a result of additional detailed work. We will engage with owners and stakeholders in these areas before taking any final decisions.


Walsall Council’s Cabinet made the decision to support the Willenhall Framework plan at their meeting on 9 February 2022.

We will progress the delivery of Phase 1 (Moat Street / Villiers Street site) by:

  • acquiring land by agreement or CPO if required – Following approval from our Cabinet to make the CPO for the first phase of delivery of the Willenhall Framework Plan, the CPO was made in August 2023. An objection/notification period ran from 7 September until 6 October 2023. We received six objections, and a public inquiry was held between 20 August and 28 August 2024. Following the inquiry, the Inspector confirmed the CPO on 6 November 2024. CPO documents are available on our Compulsory Purchase Orders page.
  • updating as appropriate the draft business charter setting out the council’s commitment to support existing businesses that may be impacted by any development proposals in Phase 1.
  • preparing and submitting an outline planning application (ref. no 23/0338).The planning application was submitted in March 2023. The Planning Committee, at its meeting on 7 September 2023, resolved to delegate to the Head of Planning and Building Control to grant planning permission subject to conditions and a Section 111 Agreement to secure a Section 106 Agreement to include affordable housing provision and open space contribution and subject to the amendment and finalising of conditions and addressing outstanding consultee comments. Planning permission was granted on 16 July 2024.
  • procuring a developer partner – at the meeting in October 2023, Cabinet approved the appointment of Keepmoat Homes Ltd.
  • securing additional public sector funding where required.

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Application for Levelling Up Fund round 2

We have successfully secured funding to support the delivery of the Willenhall Framework plan.

In line with the Government’s commitment to greater openness in the public sector under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, you can find a copy of our application below:

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