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Polling districts and polling places: Pelsall

Map of polling districts and places

How to use the map

You can zoom in and out of the map manually using the + and - buttons. If you click or tap on a polling station you'll be able to see more information about it, such as the address and how many people are registered to vote at this station.

Information about polling districts and polling places

Find out about the polling districts and polling places in this ward in the table below.

Polling districtPolling station nameAddressElectorate
MBPelsall Village CentreHigh Street, Pelsall, WS3 4LX1991
MCMethodist Church premisesChapel Street, Pelsall, WS3 4LN1095
MDRyders Hayes Academy TrustGilpin Crescent, Pelsall, WS3 4HX2053
MEPelsall Cricket ClubWalsall Road, Pelsall, WS3 4BP2480
MAPelsall Village CentreHigh Street, Pelsall, WS3 4LX1063