Polling district and polling places review
Background to the review
The consultation closed on Wednesday 18 December 2024.
A review of polling districts and polling places in the United Kingdom must take place at least once every five years. We may also conduct interim reviews.
We asked for your views on the current polling districts and polling stations across Walsall. Your feedback will be used to inform the polling district review and changes to the polling stations. Any changes to the polling districts will be in place at the next scheduled elections, in May 2026.
Purpose of the review
We invited feedback on the current polling districts and polling places. We need to ensure that voters have reasonable and practical facilities for voting, and that where possible:
- polling places are accessible to everyone who votes
- meet the needs of people with disabilities
Polling districts and polling places
We divide each ward and constituency in Walsall into polling districts. A polling district is a smaller area within a ward or constituency, where a polling place is located.
We provide a polling place within each district. This is the building or area that houses one or more polling stations. Ideally, it should be within the polling district’s boundaries. More than one polling station can be in one polling place if needed. It depends how many people need to vote there. A polling station is the specific room or area within a polling place where people vote.
Have your say
The consultation closed on Wednesday 18 December 2024.
What happens next
There will be a polling district review and changes to polling stations across Walsall in 2025. We'll use the feedback from the survey to inform this review. There will be a further round of consultation once we have drawn up the proposals.
Contact information
Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.
Write to us:
3rd floor, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall WS1 1TP
Business hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am - 4:30pm
Connect to a BSL interpreter
Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm