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Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) consultation: Article 4 Direction

Background to the proposal

The number of Houses in Multiple Occupation in Walsall is increasing. They are currently not regulated or managed effectively. HMOs can play an important role in meeting housing needs and providing affordable accommodation. However, they can make places less attractive or enjoyable to live in due to waste management, parking issues, and noise concerns.

Overview of the proposal

We are proposing to apply for more control over Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) within the Borough through an Article 4 Direction. 

An Article 4 Direction is a planning tool used by local authorities to restrict certain permitted development rights - in this case smaller HMOs. The direction will remove the permitted development right to convert a house into a smaller HMO. Under the direction a planning permission is needed to do this. If the direction is approved, it will be enforced on 1 October 2025. Find out more about legislation for Article 4 Direction.

What implementing the proposal will mean

  • From 1 October 2025 anyone wishing to develop an HMO will need to use the planning application process to obtain a planning permission from our Planning Team. Find out more about the planning application process and associated fees and charges.
  • The direction would replace the permitted development right to create a HMO with the need to obtain planning permission.
  • Removing the potential for HMO intensification can bring positive changes for the Borough. People living in HMOs could see high standards of living. People living near HMOs could enjoy benefits such as improvements to congestion, better parking or effective management of waste in the area.  
  • We will be in a better position to manage the impact of HMOs on the local community and HMO residents.
  • This supports Our Council Plan objectives for economy, people, children and communities:  
    • The delivery of good quality housing
    • Increase living standards
    • Continue economic growth
    • Provide a range of homes in the borough to promote an inclusive community. 

Take part in the consultation and have your say

If you are a resident, business owner, customer or visitor, we'd like to hear your views on the proposals.

The consultation is open from Monday 30 September and will close at 5pm on Monday 11 November 2024.

You can find more information about the proposal and how to take part in the survey on our consultation platform, Commonplace. You can also contact us if you'd like to know more or ask any questions.

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