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Locally listed buildings

The local list

The local list is a list of buildings within Walsall that we consider to have local historic and architectural value.

Protecting these buildings is part of our commitment to preserve and enhance the character of the borough.

There are currently around 300 properties on the local list.

Download list

If you want to discuss any property on the list, please contact us.

Each building on the local list must meet some of these criteria:

  • have special architectural or historic interest (but not currently listed building status)
  • have a definite and recognisable architectural interest (including originality of design and rarity)
  • relate to traditional or historic industrial processes in a reasonable state of preservation
  • be an intact industrial history structure (for example, a bridges)
  • have character, acting as landmarks in the townscape of landscape
  • be associated with unusual or significant events or personalities, or containing features of definite antiquity (i.e. pre-1800)
  • have good quality modern architecture

Making changes to buildings on the local list


Read about our approach to building conservation.

Minor works

For buildings on the local list, the usual rules apply for permitted development. You will need to check that the building is not subject to Article 4 Directions or in a conservation area.

Planning permission

You will need to submit a planning application if you want to carry out more significant works to a building on the local list. We expect more care and sensitivity to the building, its fabric and its location. We'll consider this when deciding whether to approve your application.

We may refuse your proposal if it includes plans for actions that may result in demolition or significant alteration of the building.

Development schemes

We would encourage anyone who is considering a development that impacts on a locally listed building to engage with the pre-application process.

You can review Local Plan policies that are relevant to locally listed buildings.

Nominate sites for the local list

Creating and maintaining local heritage lists is an ongoing commitment and activity. To nominate heritage sites for future inclusion on the list, contact us.

Black Country local heritage list project

The four Black Country authorities were awarded £70k by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as part of their £1.5m Local Heritage List fund.

The project aims to update and enhance the local heritage list and help protect and promote the historic buildings, structures and other heritage assets that play a significant role in the local character and distinctiveness of our areas.