Streetly Area of Special Townscape Character
The Streetly Area of Special Townscape Character was designated by Walsall Council in 2003. The purpose of designation was to identify the special local distinctiveness of this area in terms of its special townscape character and sense of place. It was also designated in concern that some planning proposals were having a negative impact upon the character of this area and therefore eroding its special identity. The character of this part of Streetly is that of early suburbia which consists of late 19th century and early twentieth century buildings, set within leafy and spacious grounds. There is a clear homogeneous character between the buildings and the quality of the construction of the buildings are very high, often using vernacular and revival styles of architecture.
Building Conservation recognises that these areas, whilst still relatively common, are worthy of more formal recognition and that the buildings and the area have some local architectural and historical importance which should be protected and managed. Suburbs such as Streetly were very much the first ‘planned’ settlements, giving an alternative lifestyle to urban living that would provide the convenience of an urban setting, but also the spaciousness and tranquillity of a rural area. There is an increasing recognition of such areas as a legitimate part of the overall historic environment which is becoming more apparent now in the twenty-first century.
It is important to note that the area however does not have the same statutory planning powers to that of a fully designated conservation area.
Download list
Streetly area of special townscape characterDownload PDF (23.61 KB)
Streetly area of special townscape character mapDownload PDF (262.91 KB)
The guidance should be read in conjunction with other local policies and guidance as set out in the documents:
Download list
Walsall unitary development plan (2005)Download PDF (422.9 KB)
Policy ENV32 - Design and development proposalsDownload PDF (422.9 KB)