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Important information regarding the return of postal votes by hand

Published on

Today is Polling Day when Walsall residents go to the polls to have their say about who becomes their local MP.  

polling station
Postal votes

If you applied for a postal vote, they must be returned by 10pm on Thursday 4 July 2024.

You may hand in your postal vote to any polling station in your constituency between 7am and 10pm today. There are 122 polling stations across the borough. To check the location of your polling station, visit the national postcode finder at

When you return a postal vote by hand, you must fill in a form for the pack to be accepted. You can return your own postal vote and up to five additional postal votes at this election from family, friends, or neighbours.

Candidates and agents are not allowed to collect or return postal votes on electors’ behalf.

If you wish to deliver your postal vote to the Civic Centre in Walsall, you must contact the Electoral Services team beforehand. Call 01922 652502 or email

You will need to complete a statutory declaration with your postal vote pack.

For more information, please visit:

To view the list of candidates, please visit:



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