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People and communities

Cost of Living Support scheme launched to support Walsall families

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A new scheme to provide support and advice for Walsall families struggling with the rising cost of living has been launched today. (Monday 5 September).

Cost of living support poster

Cost of Living Support has been developed by Walsall Council, working in partnership with organisations from across the Borough.

The service includes a web portal to provide residents with the latest information and advice. Additional support for those who need help getting online or accessing Council services will be offered by Walsall Connected at all libraries across Walsall and through community associations.

The Council hopes the link will provide practical advice and signposting for those seeking help.

Included within the scheme is information on accessing grants, payments or discounts through the Council and external agencies such as energy and water companies. Information on benefits, food banks and debt advice is also available.

Walsall Council leader, Councillor Mike Bird said: “Rising costs are affecting everyone, especially the most vulnerable in our society.

“With our new Cost of Living Support service we want to create an advice point where people can easily access trusted, accurate and up-to-date information.

“As well as detailing the support we can offer residents it also contains a host of links which people can use to seek further assistance.

“Our Cost of Living Support will provide practical help for people in all parts of the Borough as we head into the autumn and winter. We don’t have a magic wand to wave but we hope the information and advice we provide will enable people to make positive decisions that make a difference to their lives.”

The Cost of Living Support Scheme follows the Council's recent drive to make more services available online and accessible to residents 24 hours a day and follows the launch last week of Walsall Connected, a service designed to help those who don't have access to the internet.

Click here to view the web portal 

Click here for more information on Walsall Connected 

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