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Cabinet approves compulsory purchase powers for derelict land and buildings in Willenhall

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At last night's full Cabinet meeting, Councillors authorised the use of compulsory purchase powers for the Council to acquire land in Willenhall.

Areal shot of Willenhall

The Willenhall Framework Plan was supported by Cabinet in February 2022, setting out a 10-year vision for housing growth and place making in the area. 

The Compulsory Purchase Powers will enable Walsall Council to remove derelict, disused buildings within Phase 1 of the plan area so that much needed new homes can be built, along with plans to create a new area of open space.  The Phase 1 site focuses on an area in and around Moat Street and Villiers Street.

“ I’m pleased that the use of compulsory purchase powers has been authorised so we can move forward with the plans for Willenhall. The Willenhall Framework Plan maps out an exciting transformation of the area, developing more much-needed housing and improving public open spaces.

Officers have worked hard to acquire all the necessary privately owned derelict land and buildings and will continue to negotiate, but Council feels we now need to use our powers to acquire. These derelict sites are unsightly and attract antisocial behaviour so acquiring them for development is fundamental for Willenhall’s transformation

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

Phase 1 of the Framework plan involves the demolition of existing structures on land at Moat Street, Temple Bar, Cemetery Road, Villiers Street and New Hall Street. Construction began earlier this month on the Greenway, a 3km route for pedestrians and cyclists that runs East-West from Willenhall Memorial Park through Moat Street/Villiers Street. It will improve connectivity to the wider Walsall area, giving residents more opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and commute.


Notes to editors

The Willenhall Framework Plan can be found on the Council website

Walsall is a Borough undergoing real transformation, creating a wealth of opportunity. There is a shared ambition to deliver well connected, attractive places where people are proud to live and work and where businesses want to locate; where there is a strong mix of housing for all our residents, where our communities are well served and all of our residents have the best life chances.

To fulfil this potential, more than £500 million of investment has been attracted and schemes are either under construction right now or have planning consent confirmed. Click here for more information about the regeneration of the borough.


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