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Register for social housing in Walsall

We don't own any social housing. Housing associations own and manage the social and affordable rent homes in Walsall borough.

Find out more about housing associations in Walsall.

The housing associations pass 50% of their empty properties to us each week. We prioritise applicants and match suitable households from our register. Our housing allocations policy sets out how we do this. This makes sure our scheme is fair and we assign homes to those who need them the most. To be considered for one of these properties, join our independent housing register.

You could also contact the housing associations separately. Their contact details are in the 'Access to Housing' booklet on the housing associations webpage.

How to join the housing register

You can do this online.

To make an application you will be accessing a third party customer portal. You'll be asked to provide personal information and upload documents to support the application. Only provide information that is relevant to your circumstances. For details on how we use your data you can view our privacy statement.

If you need some help to apply, you can:

What happens next

Not everyone will be offered a property. Demand far outweighs the number of homes available.

After we’ve received your application, we may phone you to discuss it. If not, you will receive a letter from us about your application. We may ask you to provide evidence of your circumstances, this can include things like:

  • supporting evidence from doctors or occupational therapists
  • proof of identification for everyone living in your household

This is to make sure our scheme is fair and we allocate homes to those who need them the most.

About our housing register

We opened our independent housing register in September 2023. Our Housing allocation policy sets out how we will prioritise eligible households and help those with the most housing need.