Refer someone for loneliness and isolation support
Making Connections Walsall (MCW)
Making Connections Walsall is a free and friendly service that tackles loneliness and social isolation. It offers one-to-one support to help you engage in community activities and build social networks.
The types of support include:
- befriending
- signposting to community activities (for example, lunch clubs, gardening projects, arts and crafts, volunteering)
- signposting to support services
This service is for people living in Walsall borough who are:
- any age
- experiencing loneliness and isolation
Make a referral
If you're a health, social care or community professional, you can refer someone to this service. You should:
- Advise the service user about the MCW programme
- Get their consent to refer
- Download and complete the referral form below, and submit your form by email
Download list
MCW professional referral formDownload PDF (961.29 KB)