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Transfer to us

Find out how you can transfer to us if you are already an approved foster carer.

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If you are already a foster carer for an independent agency, or another local authority, you may be able to transfer to foster with Walsall Council. You will also need to live within a 20 mile radius from Walsall, as you’ll be caring for young people from this area.

As an approved carer, you may not need to undergo a whole new foster carer assessment. We follow the transfer protocol from the Fostering Network and you may become a foster carer for us within four months.

Why choose Walsall?

We are responsible for all children who come into care in Walsall. We always try to match the young people with our own foster carers before considering homes with carers from external agencies.

We are also a ‘not for profit’ service. We focus solely on matching the most suitable foster carers to meet our children and young people’s needs. This leads to more stable homes for the children and for you.

We offer an excellent package of support, training and finances for our foster carers. We also have a growing Mockingbird Fostering community, where you can join one of our supportive constellations of fellow foster carers. With an experienced hub carer at the heart of every constellation, it’s an opportunity to meet other foster carers and get support. Find out more about the training, support and financial package we offer.

Hear from some of our current foster carers about their experiences of fostering for Walsall.

Contact us and find out more

Fill in the form for more information about transferring to be a foster carer with Walsall.  We’ll contact you to talk more about your individual situation.

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