
This is a new service - your feedback will help us to improve it.

Langley House Trust - Offender support for reintegration, including housing support, health and social care and rehabilitation.

As a Christian organisation, our mission is to support people who have offended or who are at risk of offending so that they reintegrate into society, live crime-free and thrive.

Service type
Housing and accommodation
Meaningful connections
Age range
Young people
Services are aimed at
Young adult +
Referral type
Professional referral
Self referral
Delivery type
Face to face
Cost to resident
Opening times
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday 8:00am to 4pm 


Langley House Trust, 3&4 The Square, Coventry CV2 2QJ
Phone number
0333 003 5025

Social media