Guidance for Walsall Wellbeing Directory service providers

What is the Walsall Wellbeing Directory?
The Walsall Wellbeing Directory is part of our new Walsall Support Directory. It provides information about community service providers and activities. All services held in the directory can be accessed through self referral.
Service providers may ask to promote their services on our website, free of charge, provided they support the wellbeing of Walsall residents and support us to:
- be healthy in mind and body
- make mutual and fulfilling bonds and relationships
- engage in activity we find stimulating and enjoyable
- use technological devices and access the internet
- be satisfied with the building and/or the area we live in
- develop knowledge, skills and abilities
- get to people and places we want to visit
- be able to pay for basic needs and fund our lifestyle
Adding or changing your provider details on our directory
Please contact us if you want to update an existing record or would like to add a new record.
Not all requests to be included in the directory meet our eligibility criteria. Organisations who provide free, low cost or funded accessible services to residents of our borough will be prioritised. We also need our residents to able to refer themselves to this service or activity.
All services must also support the key target areas listed above.
How much detail should I include in my information?
If you have your own website or social media account with details and further information, please provide basic information for us to publish. We will link to the relevant pages on your website or social media account.
Please don't include photographs or images as we aren't publishing these yet.
How often should I update my information?
You should send details to us to update your record as soon as any of your public facing information changes.
We would like you to check your information at least twice a year. It's really important to us that our users have accurate up to date information to help them decide what services and activities to use.