Council tax discounts, reductions and exemptions
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You may be able to get a discount, reduction or exemption on your council tax bill. This depends on your circumstances, the status of the property you live in and the people you live with.
You can apply for some council tax discounts using council tax online.
People who aren't counted
Your council tax bill is based on two adults living in a property. Some people aren't counted, which reduces the number of residents for tax purposes.
For example, if there are 2 adults living in a property, but 1 of them is a full-time student, the number of residents for council tax purposes is 1, and the non-student would qualify for a discount of 25%.
Find the full list of people who are not counted for tax purposes.
You can apply for some of these reductions online:
- apply if you're a student, or have a student living with you
- apply if you're severely mentally impaired, or you have someone living with you who is
- apply if you're aged 18 or 19 and at, or have just left, school
- apply if you care for someone with a disability who is not a spouse, partner or child under 18
- apply if you're in prison (except those in prison for non-payment of council tax or a fine)
For all other people who aren't counted, you should contact us to apply.
Single occupancy discount
If only 1 adult lives in a property as their sole or main residence, the council tax bill is reduced by 25%.
Apply for or cancel your single occupancy discount.
Care leaver discount
There is a 100% discount for people who leave care in Walsall, if:
- Walsall Council was the corporate parent
- the care leaver is liable for council tax and resident in the Walsall area
- the care leaver is under the age of 25
Contact us to apply for a care leaver discount.
Occupied properties that are exempt
If a dwelling meets any of the following criteria, it does not incur council tax:
- students’ halls of residence
- only occupied by students
- UK armed forces accommodation
- visiting forces accommodation
- occupied only by people under 18
- occupied only by a person or persons who is/are severely mentally impaired and who would otherwise have to pay council tax
- occupied by a diplomat
- an annexe to another occupied dwelling which is occupied by an elderly or disabled relative
You can apply for some of these reductions online:
- apply if the property is occupied only by students
- apply if the property is occupied only by a person or persons who is/are severely mentally impaired.
For all other exempt properties listed above, you should contact us to apply.
Empty and vacant properties
There is no council tax reduction for empty or vacant properties.
There are circumstances where empty or vacant properties may be exempt from council tax, or may incur an additional empty homes premium. You can find out more in our empty properties and council tax section.