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Get support from local charities

The Democratic Services Team are responsible for administering a number of local charities. They are independent of the council.

Use the information below to identify which charity or charities would best meet your needs before making an application. 

Charity nameTypes of assistanceNext meeting
Blanch WoollastonSchool uniform and educational resourcesNot yet scheduled
C.C WalkerSchool uniform and educational resourcesNot yet scheduled
FishleySchool trips and educational resources (not school uniform)Not yet scheduled
Walsall Wood allotmentsSchool uniform, white goods, furniture and clothing14 November 2024
18 February 2025
15 May 2025
WJ CroftSchool uniform, white goods, furniture and clothingNot yet scheduled

None of the charities are able to assist with paying bills or general household expenses such as gas, electric, council tax or rent. Find out more about other support available with the cost of living.

If you are looking for other types of assistance or are unsure if you will be eligible, please contact us.

How to apply

You'll need to complete an application form and provide evidence of your financial circumstances (for example, bank statements). The charity trustees will use this information at their next meeting to decide if they can help you. 

Charity meetings are held roughly 4 times a year. For your application to be considered at the next meeting, applications with sufficient evidence must be received 2 weeks before the date of the meeting. Applications cannot be considered outside of meetings.

You can apply online using the links below, or you can phone or email us to ask for a paper form.

What does it offer?

The Blanch Woollaston Charity is able to help to assist with any matter that promotes the education of individuals.

It is also able to help with clothing such as school uniforms or professional clothing that enables a young person to enter or engage in any profession, trade, occupation or service.

Am I eligible to apply?

You, or the person you are applying on behalf of, needs to be:

  • under the age of 21
  • a resident in the Borough of Walsall

How do I apply?

Please fill in the online application form below. 

Further information 

The charity meets twice a year, usually in the summer (July/August) and autumn (November/December).

You can find further information about the ​​​​​​Blanch Woollaston charity on the Charity Commission website.

What does it offer?

The C.C. Walker Charity provides grants towards the advancement of education or benefit of children and young people.

This includes financial assistance towards tuition fees and other course costs as well as school uniforms.

Am I eligible to apply?

You, or the person you are applying on behalf of, needs to be:

  • under the age of 25
  • live or study in the borough of Walsall.

The charity has a preference for those applicants where:

  • one (or both) of the applicants parents is deceased, and
  • was born in the in borough of Walsall, and/or if a parent or surviving parents have lived in the borough of Walsall at any time since the birth of the young person applying

How do I apply?

Fill in the online application form below. 

Further information 

The charity meets no less than twice each year.

You can find further information about the C.C. Walker Charity on the Charity Commission website.

What does in offer?

The Fishley Charity can provide financial assistance to support the education of local young people.

This includes items such as tuition fees, specialist equipment, books, clothing and field trips. Any other costs related to a young person’s education can be considered so long as it is supported by a member of teaching staff.

Am I eligible to apply?

You, or the person you are applying on behalf of, needs to be:

  • under the age of 25
  • and live or study in the Borough of Walsall

How do I apply?

There are different application processes depending on the type of assistance you require. These are explained below.

If you are an individual seeking support with, for example, course fees, books or other education related items then please fill in the Fishley Charity (individual) application form below. 

If you are a member of staff at an educational establishment wishing to apply for funding towards a field trip or educational visit, please fill in the Fishley Charity (school) application form below. 

If you are a parent or student wishing to apply for assistance with the cost of field trip or educational visit, please contact the educational establishment arranging the trip in the first instance as the educational establishment is required to initiate the funding application.

For any further information or guidance please call 01922 654764.

Further information

The charity meets no less than twice each year.

You can find further information about the Fishley Charity on the Charity Commission website.

What does it offer?

The Walsall Wood Allotments Charity exists to relieve local people who are in need, hardship or distress.

This broad remit means that the charity can consider requests for financial assistance for a wide variety of support so long as the benefit to the applicant can be demonstrated. Typical awards are for clothing (including school uniforms) and footwear or household goods such as white goods and furniture.

Am I eligible to apply?

You need to be a resident in the Borough of Walsall.

How do I apply?

Please fill in the online application form below. 

Further information

Please consider submitting additional evidence that verifies your personal circumstances such as proof of income (for example wage slips, benefits letters or bank statements) or letters of support from professional people who are familiar with your case. You do not have to provide this evidence but it may benefit your application if you choose to do so.

The charity meets approximately four times a year.

You can find further information about the Walsall Wood Charity on the Charity Commission website.

What does it offer?

The WJ Croft Charity can provide financial assistance to relieve local people who are in hardship, need or distress.

Typical awards are for clothing (including school uniforms) and footwear or household goods such as white goods and furniture.

Am I eligible to apply?

You need to be a resident in the Borough of Walsall.

How do I apply?

Please fill in the online application form below. 

Further information

The charity meets twice a year, usually in the summer (July/August) and autumn (November/December).

You can find further information about the W.J. Croft Charity on the Charity Commission website.

Each charity receives many applications and, due to limited financial resources, it is unfortunately not possible to help every applicant. You will be informed of the outcome of your application as soon as possible after the meeting has taken place.

Further information

Visit The Charity Commission for further information on all of the charities, including their trustees and finances.

Contact information

Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.

Write to us:

Democratic Services, Council House, Lichfield Street, ​​​​​​​Walsall WS1 1TW

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Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm

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