Your feedback helps us to improve our website.

Make a comment or compliment

neutral and happy emoji faces

Your comments and compliments can help us to improve the services we provide to all our customers. We want to know when you think we've done something well, or if you think we could do better.

Please tell us if you:

  • have a comment about how services could be improved
  • want to compliment a member of staff
  • are happy about the service you have received

How to send us a comment or compliment

You'll need to sign in to your MyAccount to make a comment or compliment.

You'll have the option to upload photographs or documents to support your comment or compliment.

Any data collected as part of the application will be used in accordance with data protection law and the UK GDPR. Find out more about how we process your data.

If you're unable to complete the online form, you can:

What happens next?

We’ll acknowledge your comment or compliment when we receive it, and make sure it goes to the right team.

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