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Freedom of information (FOI)

Access to information about the council and its services

The Freedom of Information Act means that you have a right to see, or request a copy of, a wide range of recorded information held by Walsall Council. This right was introduced in January 2005 but covers access to information produced by the council prior to this date.

A lot of council information, as listed in our Publication Scheme, is already available on our website, in information leaflets and other publications. The Freedom of Information Act gives you extra rights by allowing you to see, or have copies of information which might not otherwise be published.

Contact information

Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.


01922 650000

Write to us:

Assurance Team
Walsall MBC
Civic Centre
Darwall Street
Walsall WS1 1TW

Business hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm

Connect to a BSL interpreter

Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm

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