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Equality documents

Equality and diversity is central to the way that we work in Walsall Council.

Understanding the effect of our policies and practices on people with different protected characteristics is an important part of advancing equality. It enables us to remove or minimise disadvantages to meet the needs of everyone.

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Walsall for All strategy

Walsall for All is our long-term strategy for creating strong and integrated communities in Walsall. It recognises our strengths as well as our challenges, and sets out the steps we will take to break down barriers to integration.

Walsall for All will help train, support and equip our people, organisations and groups to improve the quality of lives. Together we will engage, enable and empower to make integration everybody’s business. We are laying the foundations for this work to continue for many years to come.

You can download our strategy document.

Equality and diversity protocol

This protocol outlines the aims, expectations and practices from our Councillors, managers, employees, workers and partners in relation to equality and diversity.

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Equality objectives and information for the public sector equality duty

We have set the equality objectives based on available equalities information through:

  • research
  • consultation and engagement
  • equality impact assessments.

They help identify internal and external targets that will enable us to improve the collection of equality information, and address the most persistent areas of inequalities faced by both employees and customers.

Our vision is to:

  • promote inclusion and commit to understanding the individual experience throughout our work 
  • engage and empower local communities to resolve equality issues
  • strive to have a diverse workforce at all levels
  • treat people and agencies that we work with, fairly, justly and with respect, by being open, inclusive and collaborative
  • find ways to support the disadvantaged or excluded

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Employment monitoring reports

The annual employment monitoring report provides a statistical overview of Walsall Council’s workforce.

Since 2016-17, the Employment Monitoring Report includes the Gender Pay Gap Report.

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For advice and information in different formats you can contact us.

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