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Connected Gateway Project

In 2021 Walsall secured funding of £11.4m from the Future High Street Fund. With further investment from Walsall Council we are now delivering the early phases of the Town Centre Masterplan, through the Walsall Connected Gateway Project.

This is an exciting and transformative project that will

  • create a public transport gateway that improves connections between the town’s bus and rail hubs
  • enhance the presence of Walsall Rail Station by improving accessibility to it and the arrival experience into the town centre.
  • modernise and re-purpose the Saddlers Shopping Centre and diversify uses within the facility
  • transform the public realm in the heart of Park Street.

The project is currently in the design stages and we are working to prepare a planning application, to be submitted in 2024.

Find out more about the project

You can find out more about Connected Gateway on Commonplace.

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