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Apply for a primary school place


It's important that you include three schools on your application. This will increase your chance of getting a place at one of your preferred choices. If you only put your top choice down, there is a risk you might not get a place at that school. You may be offered a school that you’re not happy with instead.

We always aim to offer you a place at your highest ranked school.

If you live outside Walsall, you should complete an application from your home local authority (even if you are applying for a Walsall school).


Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 are due to start reception in September 2025.

Having a place in the nursery class attached to a school does not guarantee a place in the reception class at that school. You must send a separate application for a place in the reception class.

Infant to junior (year 3)

Children born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018 are due to transfer from infant to junior school in September 2025. If your child attends an infant school, you'll need to apply to join the partner junior school.

Deciding on your school preferences

You can apply for a place at up to three schools for your child, and list them in order of preference.  

If any of your preferred schools are outside Walsall Borough, you still apply in the same way. Walsall Council runs a co-ordinated admissions scheme with neighbouring councils and admission authorities, so you only have to complete one application.

Walsall Council has a duty to offer your child a place in a school. We always try to meet your first choice, but sometimes we receive more applications than the school has places available. We will then try to offer your next highest preference. If we cannot meet any of your preferences, we will offer you a place in the nearest school to your home address with available places.

The schemes for co-ordinated admissions document tells you more about:

  • when key decisions are made
  • evidence for late applications
  • what to do if you live near a borough boundary and want to apply for a school in another authority
  • which schools are their own admissions authority

The determined admission arrangements document tells you about:

  • class sizes
  • oversubscription criteria
  • priority applications from siblings
  • paired infant and junior schools

When you need to apply

To apply for a September 2025 place, complete our online application. You can do this from 4 November 2024 until 15 January 2025.

Get support with making your application

Our step-by-step admissions guide will take you through the whole admissions process. It explains how to create an account, how to log in, and how to submit your application.

The guide is only available in English. If you need extra support, you can contact us.

You can also download the information for parents booklet.

Faith schools need you to complete an additional form as well as the online application. You can get  a copy of the form from the school, or download and print it yourself. When you've completed it, you'll need to send it direct to the relevant school.

Download list

When you'll receive your offer

If you ask for an email notification in your online application, you will receive your offer by email on 16 April 2025. The emails are sent automatically over the course of the day.

If you apply late, we will let you know after 16 April 2025.

If you are not happy with your offer, you can appeal against the decision.

Offer day FAQs

You can download our frequently asked questions document for some further information that you might find helpful.

Download list

Late applications

Your application will be treated as being late if:

  • we receive it after the closing date (15 January 2025)
  • you change the name or ranking of a school after the closing date

We process late applications after the on-time applications. You probably won’t be offered a place at one of your preferred schools if you apply late.

You can find full details in our late applications policy.

Key dates for primary school applications
Date Details
2 September 2024 Primary 2025 applications 'Information for Parents' booklet published.
4 November 2024 Portal for reception and junior 2025 applications opens.
15 January 2025 (10pm) Closing date for on-time applications (reception and junior 2025).
16 January - 13 February 2025 Late applications received during this period may be treated as being on time under exceptional circumstances (further information in the 'Information for Parents' booklet)
14 February 2025 All applications will be treated as late from this date onwards.
16 April 2025 Primary national offer day. If you applied on time, you'll receive an email offering you a primary school place for  your child for September 2025.
2 May 2025 Waiting list positions available for reception and junior 2025 applications.
6 May 2025 Late offers (phase 1). If you applied between 16 January and 20 April 2025, you'll receive an offer of a primary school place for September 2025.
2 June 2025 Appeals deadline (further information in the 'Information for Parents' booklet).
9 June 2025 Late offers (phase 2). If you applied between 21 April and 20 May 2025, you'll receive an offer of a primary school place for September 2025.
As required Further offers for late applications.
June/July 2025 Appeal hearings. Applicants will receive an exact date.
June/July 2025 Inset dates (to be confirmed by the school of offer).