How to report a concern about a school
As a parent or carer, your views are important. Walsall Council and Walsall schools are committed to listening to and working with you.
If you have a concern about a school you should tell the school as soon as possible. Whatever the issue is, support for your child will not change in any way.
Many concerns can be resolved quickly by making early contact with the class teacher. Even if the school doesn't agree with your point of view, they will take your concerns seriously. The school will investigate the issue and take action if it can stop the same problem from coming up again.
How to make a complaint about a Walsall school
Stage one – informal
Show contentMost complaints will be dealt with directly by the school. If you have not already done so, you should raise this with a member of school staff. This could be the:
- deputy head teacher
- head teacher
- another person named as the school contact
If you are not sure, you should phone the school to ask.
Depending on the seriousness of your complaint, the following information would be helpful:
- the time and dates of any incidents
- the names of any witnesses
When the school has enough information, they will investigate your complaint informally. You will receive a response, which may be verbal or in writing.
You may be invited to a meeting to further discuss your concerns and to see if a quick resolution is possible. Most complaints will be dealt with in this way.
If your complaint is about the conduct of the head teacher and cannot be resolved informally, you should contact the Chair of School Governors via the school.
In academies, there may be a different arrangement of governance and you my need to send your complaint to the Academy Trust or Academy sponsor. You can ask the school/academy office for details.
Stage two – formal
Show contentAfter the informal stage, if you are still unhappy you may want to make a formal complaint. You should write to the school, care of the head teacher.
If necessary, your complaint will be passed to the Chair of School Governors or the academy's equivalent role. At this point you may be asked for further information.
The school governing body has a duty to consider all aspects of a complaint and to decide what action, if any, they need to take.
You will receive a response to your complaint from the school.
Stage three - formal
Show contentThe final stage of the process usually involves a panel of governors. You may be invited to attend a meeting and speak to the panel. Any documentation should be shared beforehand.
The meeting will normally be within 20 school days of receiving the complaint, and the outcome will be confirmed to you in writing within 10 school days of the meeting taking place.
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What to do if you have a concern about a Walsall schoolDownload PDF (143.11 KB)
Issues about worship
If you have concerns about collective worship or spiritual matters, in the case of denominational schools, you can contact the relevant body. The school can give you the contact details.
What to do if you're still concerned
If you're not satisfied after you've been through the process above, you can complain to the Department for Education (DfE).
If you find new information to support your complaint, you should go back to the informal stage.
When to contact Walsall Council for help
You can contact us direct if you have a general complaint, or your issue is regarding:
- Special Educational Needs (SEN)
- National Curriculum
- school admissions
- exclusions
- delivery of disability services
You can do this by following our complaints process or contacting the Chief Executive of Walsall Council. We will always do our best to resolve any issue you may have.
You may also wish to discuss your complaint with one of your local councillors. Find your local councillor and their contact details.