Alternative provision for children who don't attend school
Alternative provision (AP) is for children of compulsory school age who do not attend mainstream or special schools and who would not otherwise receive suitable education. We have a statutory duty to provide this.
AP could be for any reason, including:
- physical or mental health
- awaiting placement in a mainstream school
- at risk of disengaging from their mainstream school
- fixed-period exclusion or offsite direction
- permanent exclusion
What to expect from alternative provision
Alternative provision placements can be:
- full or part-time (this depends on registration)
- short or longer-term placements for specialist intervention
It can be delivered by:
- AP academies
- AP free schools
- pupil referral units (PRUs)
- other settings, including independent schools, further education colleges, and other providers from the private and voluntary sectors
Alternative providers
Our providers use alternative approaches to education in a safe and supportive environment. They offer a wide variety of academic and vocational courses to help children and young people fulfil their potential.
We regularly inspect and quality assure all alternative providers for:
- teaching and learning
- safeguarding
- health and safety
If your child has been excluded from school
Your child should start full time education no later than the sixth day of their exclusion.
If they’ve been given a fixed-period exclusion of more than five school days, their school must arrange alternative education provision.
All permanently excluded children and young people will be enrolled at the New Leaf Inclusion Centre (PRU).
Contact information
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Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm