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Planning Committee meetings

The Planning Committee meets to discuss certain planning applications and decide whether they will be approved or not. 

Our Planning Committee CMIS pages include:

  • committee reports (available five working days before each meeting)
  • minutes of  the meetings
  • times and dates of upcoming meetings
  • information on members of the committee

How to watch meetings

Meetings are held in the Council Chamber at the Council House, Lichfield Street, Walsall WS1 1TW.

You can:

We publish applications on our webpages, including any scheduled committee date. This date may change if we receive more information that we need to consider. If there is no date shown, it may mean the application won't be heard at a meeting.

Register to speak at a meeting

Anyone can attend and watch the meeting but if you want to speak, you’ll need to register. 

We need to receive your request by 5pm the day before the committee meeting. If you’re not able to do this, you can still attend. We’ll ask the chairperson if they’ll accept your request to speak.

You can register online:

Council Chamber accessibility

If you want to attend in person and you have any access needs, please contact us before the meeting so we can make arrangements to support you.

What happens at the meeting

The chairperson runs the meeting and makes sure it follows established rules.

The committee listens to speakers who support or oppose an application. All parties will have an opportunity to speak.

Applications with speakers will be heard first. This means the published agenda order can change.

Speaking at the meeting

We allow two speakers in support of, and two against, the application. This includes members (councillors) who have registered to speak. If they speak they cannot vote on the application.

We operate a first come, first served basis. If you know of other people who also want to speak, you might want to nominate a speaker between yourselves before you register.

Each speaker will have two minutes' speaking time limit. The committee can ask questions via the chairperson.

Sharing documents at the meeting

If you want to share any documents or images at the meeting, you’ll need to submit them by 5pm two working days before the meeting. This is so we have enough time to review them.

You won’t be allowed to show new documents or images at the meeting.


Members with commercial or financial interests need permission from the Director of Governance to present representations. This applies even when they're acting as a member of the public.

The committee can hear applications at more than one meeting. Speakers can only speak once on an application. If an application is amended and goes to a future meeting, you can speak on the item again.

The committee will not reconsider issues you've raised before, but they will consider new comments about new changes. The chairperson can make changes to this procedure.

Members of the public are not allowed to speak to any member of the committee or pass any information on to them.

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