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Grounds maintenance and grass cutting

We are responsible for maintaining council-owned parks and open spaces, grassed areas, trees, play areas and horticultural features. This involves cutting back hedges and shrubs and also grass cutting.We aim to keep our borough clean, safe and pleasant for our residents and visitors.

Rewilding Walsall

We are expanding grassland, heathland, wildflower and tree cover throughout the borough. This means mowing some sites less, and at specific times over the year.

Find out more about our rewilding programme.

Report a problem with grounds maintenance

If you have a compliment or concern about our grounds maintenance, you can contact us

If you need to report a problem with hedges, shrubs or grass cutting, you can report it online. You should include: 

  • the exact location
  • details of the issue - for example, overgrown grass or hedge

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