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Willenhall and Walsall Levelling Up Fund bids totalling £39m

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Willenhall and Walsall Levelling Up Fund bids totalling £39m have been submitted to the government.

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Levelling Up Fund Round 2 (LUF2) is a competitive fund managed by central government to tackle economic differences and drive prosperity as part of the levelling up and building back better agenda. The focus of the fund is to support local priorities concerning transport, town centre and high street regeneration and cultural and heritage assets. Each parliamentary constituency has the potential to secure up to £20million.

The Walsall North LUF2 £20m bid proposals focus on two interlinked projects in Willenhall — works to enable around 111 new homes at Moat Street and Villiers Street and highway improvements to promote active travel. The proposals fit within the overarching vision and objectives set within the Willenhall Framework Plan (Willenhall Framework ( and will accelerate housing and economic growth opportunities following the investment in the new rail station.

The Walsall South £19m bid will support the delivery of the council’s town centre theatre project. The town centre theatre project provides an exciting opportunity for the Levelling Up fund, with match funding from Town Deal and Walsall Council, to create a new 1,000 seat arts, cultural and entertainment space that will regenerate the heart of the town and be accessible to the whole of the borough.

The investment would also complement the council’s Future High Street Fund project known as the Connected Gateway project, which is a £36m project designed to enhance access and improve connectivity between the town’s bus and rail stations and introduce significant transformation of the high street and public space.

“ Although very different towns, Walsall and Willenhall face many similar challenges and these have become more apparent with people changing how they shop and work as a result of the pandemic.

These exciting bids give us the opportunity to build on funding already secured and invest for the future. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew
Deputy Leader of Walsall Council

An announcement on the outcome of the submissions is due in the autumn.


Note to Editor

LUF2 is a competitive fund and is jointly managed by the HM Treasury (HMT), Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) and Department for Transport (DfT). Levelling Up Fund Round 2 (LUF2) was announced by Government at the end of March 2022.

Walsall North

The Moat Street/Villiers Street scheme in Willenhall is the first phase of a wider housing programme to enable delivery of over 500 new homes in the Framework Plan area. The LUF2 bid will enable the delivery of circa 111 new high-quality, energy efficient homes including new affordable homes, family-focused housing and an improved street scene and public realm.

LUF2 will be used to support land assembly/acquisitions and viability gap funding (with the latter largely driven by demolition and remediation costs plus general commercial viability).

The movement element is focused on improving active travel and connectivity between the rail station, district centre, green spaces and residential and employment areas:

  • The Greenway — cycle/pedestrian route that runs east-west on the former railway line from St Anne’s Road to Willenhall Memorial Park and employment areas.
  • Railway Lane — north-south active travel route between Willenhall Trading Estate and the town centre.
  • Rosehill/Bilston Lane junction — new 3-armed roundabout to increase capacity and reduce congestion.

Walsall South

  • The application will support the delivery of the council’s town centre theatre project.
  • The town centre theatre project provides an exciting opportunity for the Levelling Up fund, with match funding from Town Deal and Walsall Council, to create a new 1,000 seat arts, cultural and entertainment space that will regenerate the heart of the town and be accessible to the whole of the borough.
  • The venue will provide a modern theatre to include modern conferencing and events space. The facility will align with ambitions within the Walsall Town Investment Plan and improve the cultural offer and deliver economic and environmental improvements (with the use of sustainable building technologies where possible). 
  • The project aims to generate a significant increase in footfall, by providing day and night economic activity in Walsall town centre and will be in line with the ambitions of the Walsall Town Centre Masterplan.
  • The investment will also complement the council’s Future High Street Fund project known as The Connected Gateway projectwhich is a £36m project designed to enhance access and improve connectivity between the town’s bus and rail stations and introduce significant transformation of the Saddlers Shopping Centre. 
  • The new facility will replace the existing out of town performing arts centre Walsall Arena/Forest Arts Centre in Leamore. 
  • £19m is sought as part of the LUF Round 2 application to support the delivery of the project. 

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