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Walsall Council teams up with construction crews to tackle litter along Willenhall Greenway

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On Thursday 21 September 2023 Walsall Council officers teamed up with members of Crown Highways, Tarmac, Amey Consulting and CLM Construction as part of a social value exercise to tackle litter along Willenhall Greenway.

A group of contractors in high-visibility clothing stand together on a path in Willenhall

Thankfully the sun was shining and after meeting on Farmbridge Road, the group split into two to tackle the mile-long stretch between Clarkes Lane and Hopyard Bridge, clearing up 64 bags of litter in the process.

“ It’s great to see partnership work delivering tangible social value for our communities above and beyond the ongoing construction work. I’d like to thank the teams from Crown Highways, Tarmac, Amey Consulting and CLM Construction for taking the time to get stuck in and for doing such a brilliant job tidying up the Greenway route “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

Funded through the Government’s Levelling Up Fund, the Greenway is a 3km utility and leisure route for both pedestrians and cyclists, running east-west from Willenhall Memorial Park, through Moat Street / Villiers Street connecting with green space, residential and employment areas.

“ It was great to get together and provide some real social value along the Greenway construction route in Willenhall. It’s important to us that we deliver value for communities wherever possible and by doing this alongside the ongoing construction work I hope that local people will really start to see the improvements being made to the area. “

Simon Yale, Contracts Manager
Crown Highways

“ Partnership working is a really important part of delivering schemes like this and it was great to see so many people come together to give something back to the community in Willenhall. We’re really keen to deliver social value alongside our schemes and the Greenway litter-pick was a great way to do that. I want to thank everyone that took part for a job well done! “

Abid Rehman, Site Manager
CLM Construction

Mark Harriman, Service Manager at Tarmac, added: “The social value event was a great day spent with colleagues and partners on this very important project for Walsall Council. It is always good to put something back into the community as part of our social value commitment to Walsall and its residents.”

The Willenhall greenway programme forms part of the Willenhall Framework Plan, a 10 year vision and delivery strategy for future housing growth and development. The Framework Plan was supported by Walsall Council’s Cabinet in February 2022 and secured funding in round 2 of the Government’s Levelling Up fund.

More information about the Willenhall Framework plan can be found on our website




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