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Walsall Council blitzes winter potholes

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As spring arrives, Walsall Council is already working hard to tackle potholes blighting the borough’s roads.

Once again, the council has invested millions of pounds, maintaining local roads in 2023/24. In addition to the Department for Transport road maintenance funding of £1.7m and a further £1.6m to tackle potholes, the Council have directly funded a further £2.8m of investment in highway maintenance. 

The council, who were finalists in last year’s APSE Performance Networks Awards in the category for Best Performing Council for Roads, Highways and Winter Maintenance, have already set to work repairing the potholes caused by the winter weather. Over the coming weeks, a programme of injection patching will deliver thousands of repairs all over the borough. Not only does the technique provide long lasting repairs, it is also quick to do, minimising the disruption caused to road users.

Once the winter damage has been addressed, a programme of resurfacing will follow with several miles of roads being treated over the summer months.

“ We recognise that the borough’s road network is essential for our residents, businesses and for our long-term ambitions for our towns and district centres. The council have been investing in long term highway maintenance for several years now and the benefits are clear. We now have some of the best roads in the West Midlands. “

Councillor Kerry Murphy
Portfolio Holder for Street Pride at Walsall Council

To report a problem with a road or footpath, residents should visit:



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