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Children's services

A summer of fun for Walsall’s young carers

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Many of Walsall’s young carers have enjoyed themselves this summer after attending activities and events hosted by the council.

Young carers at the young carers festival
Young carers enjoying the festival.

Some young people even attended the world’s largest festival for young carers.

Young carers are children and young people under the age of eighteen who provide regular and ongoing care and emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally disabled or misuses substances.

Young carers help with a range of practical home tasks such as shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing, overseeing medication, personal care and often look after younger siblings.

The council works with key partners such as schools, healthcare organisations and cross-council teams to ensure 300 of young carers in the borough benefit from a range of support to help them through their childhood.

This summer, many carers attended activities as part of the council’s Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme. Other activities included bowling, climbing and canoeing.

9 young people headed to the Children’s Society Young Carers Festival in Southampton – the world’s largest festival for young carers. The weekend event is for carers to have fun, unwind, make new friends, try new things, and meet with other people of a similar age who have caring responsibilities. 

When asked about their experience at the festival, young carers said they loved going somewhere new, they enjoyed the fair rides, and it was great fun.

“ We need to remember that our young carers are still children and young people first and foremost.

This selfless group of people sacrifice so much of their own childhoods to support their nearest and dearest day in, day out, so the least we can do is support them as much as we can, so they can still have fun, enjoy themselves and make memories.

Meeting other young carers is so important so they know they aren’t alone, and we know that our carers build great friendships with people they may have never met if it wasn’t for the common responsibility they all share.

Thank you again to all of our amazing young people who care for family members 365 days a year – you inspire us all. “

Councillor Stacie Elson, Portfolio Holder for Children's Services
Walsall Council

More information about the council’s support for young carers can be found on the website: 


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