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Young carers

Are you a young carer?  

A young carer is a child or young person under 18 who provides regular and ongoing care and emotional support to a family member. The family member may be physically or mentally disabled, or misuse substances.

Generally helping out around the house doesn’t mean that you're a young carer. A young carer does much more, including:

  • shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing, collecting prescriptions
  • helping with bathing, dressing, and taking medication
  • emotional support, such as talking to someone who is distressed or helping someone to communicate
  • looking after younger siblings
  • managing the family budget   

For more information download the Young Carers Leaflet.

Download list

Should you become a young carer?

If someone in your family needs to be looked after, you may really want to help them. But you shouldn't be doing the same things as adult carers, or spend a lot of your time caring for someone. This can stop you doing well at school and enjoying the same things as other children or young people.

It's important you decide how much and what type of care you're willing or able to give, or if you should be a carer at all.

All disabled adults are entitled to support from their local council, depending on their needs. They shouldn't have to rely on their children to care for them.

What help is available?

Young carers' assessment

With your permission (and your parents'), we will carry out an assessment to look at what kind of help you and your family need. We want to make sure you all get the right support.

Young carers ID card

With permission from you and your family, we'll sign you up to take part in the scheme. We'll offer you an ID card after your assessment.

The ID card helps young carers champions, school nurses, schools, GPs, and social care practitioners to recognise you as a young carer. This means they can give you the right help and involve you with decision making. We want you to know you're valued, and receive the support you deserve.

The cards hold your name, an expiry date, and the contact number of the Walsall Young Carers Service. 

The cards and supporting information has been co-produced and designed by young carers.

Download list

Young carers leisure cards

Once you have met with a member of our team and received a Young Carers Assessment, we will provide you with a Walsall leisure card. 

Young carers champions

This is a member of staff with a special interest for supporting young carers. They will:

  • raise awareness about young carers
  • be your first point of contact
  • be identifiable as a young carers champion 
  • support and advocate for children and young people
  • receive training and a certificate

They will also attend the Walsall Young Carers Action Group, who meet 4 times a year. They'll feed back on how the service is working with young carers, and help develop the young carers support service in Walsall.

Please see the Letter for information on Young Cares Champion 

Walsall Young Carers Group for young people aged 9 to 18

My Place building external view

The Walsall Young Carers Group meet weekly at My Place.

This support group allows you to take some time away from your responsibilities at home, meet other young carers, make friends and have fun!

You can take part in activities such as:  

  • arts and crafts
  • cooking
  • discussions and consultations
  • group games
  • music
  • sport
  • trips and events, such as BBQs, discos, and community feasts

The group is well attended and valued by all our young carers. It gives you space to relax and talk to people who understand what life is like for them. You can also talk confidentially to an Early Help practitioner. You can find out more by watching our video:

Contact information

Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.


My Place

60 Walstead Road West, Walsall, WS5 4PE

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Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm

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