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People and communities

Successful prosecutions for PSPO breach and fly-tipping

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Walsall Council has successfully prosecuted two people for a breach of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and fly-tipping respectively at Dudley Magistrates Court.

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Jessica Davies (aged 30) of Rushall, Walsall breached the Walsall Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in April 2023, by urinating in a public place. Ms Davies did not attend the hearing on 9 August 2023, but the Magistrates agreed to proceed in the defendant’s absence. She was found guilty and was fined £60 for the offence, as well as £50 in court charges and £24 in victim surcharges, totalling £134.

Saifullah Khan (aged 30) of West Bromwich was prosecuted for fly-tipping a large quantity of building waste including cardboard, plastic bags and builders’ buckets in Stringes Lane, Willenhall in July 2022, witnessed by the Police and prosecuted by the Council. Mr Khan attended the hearing and pleaded guilty to the offence on 9 August 2023. He was fined £1,384, as well as £883.65 in court costs and £554 in victim surcharges, totalling £2821.63.

“ We want Walsall to be a borough where everyone feels safe and welcomed. These recent prosecutions demonstrate that this behaviour is not acceptable. I would like to thank our colleagues and partners for their hard work for taking the appropriate legal action and bringing these cases to court. I would also like to pay tribute to colleagues who ensure cases can be assessed and submitted in good time, which is undoubtedly contributing to the success of what we are trying to achieve.

We will continue to work with our partner agencies to ensure Walsall is a great place to live, work and visit. Anti-social behaviour, nuisance or problems like breaching PSPOs and fly-tipping can have a negative impact on our communities. We continue to rely on everyone to report such behaviour, so that the right action can be taken. “

Councillor Garry Perry, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities
Walsall Council


Notes to editor:

  • Walsall Council’s Community Protection Team brought the first prosecution under a breach of the Walsall Town Centre Public Space Protection Order. PSPOs help deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a specific area that is damaging to the local community’s quality of life. The PSPO in place in Walsall town centre was put in place to tackle anti-social behaviour including street drinking and public urination.
  • Breach of a PSPO is a criminal offence for which an individual can be summoned to attend court and fined. Fixed Penalty Notices of £100 may also be issued to deal with a breach.
  • The fly-tipping of controlled waste is a serious criminal offence which carries a fine of up to £20,000 (unlimited if indicted to the Crown Court) or an offender can even be sent to prison.
  • You can report fly-tipping online on Walsall Council's website.

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