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Bins and recycling

Successful fly-tipping case for Walsall Council

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The fly-tipping case investigated by Walsall Council’s Community Protection Team was heard at Dudley Magistrates Court.

Image shows CCTV footage of fly-tipping by a person in a red car.

On 21 December 2022, a fly-tipping case investigated by Walsall Council’s Community Protection Team was heard at Dudley Magistrates Court.  

CCTV recorded the driver of a Red Ford Fiesta at 11:52 on Friday 18 June 2021 that deposited three full black bin bags and a quantity of cardboard in Woodwards Road, Walsall. This is an area that has been subject to ongoing fly-tipping offences.   

Enquiries made with the DVLA through the National Anti-Fraud Network revealed the registered keeper of the vehicle on that date was Mr Andrew Evans, from the Darlaston area of Walsall.  

On 3 September 2021, a fixed penalty under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 was issued to Mr Evans for the amount of £400. After paying only a small proportion of the fine, Mr Evans was summoned to appear at Dudley Magistrates Court on 21 December 2022. Mr Evans failed to attend and having been found guilty of the offence was fined £2,640 and a further £291.98 in costs, totalling £2,931.98. 

A Collection Order has been made and Mr Evans must pay the Court within 28 days. 

“ I am pleased to see another successful fly-tipping case has been heard in court.

Fly-tipping is a blight on our communities and costs the Council a considerable amount of money to clear. This is public money that should be used on services to support our communities, not to clean up after the thoughtless few.

The Council is committed to continuing to take robust action to deal with this criminal behaviour and to show that this will not be tolerated in our borough. 

The winter season can be a time when extra waste is created. Therefore, it is important that everyone disposes of their rubbish lawfully. If you cannot fit it in your appropriate bin, it can be taken to one of our tips or booked through our Council’s bulky waste collections. “

Councillor Garry Perry, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities
Walsall Council

Notes to editor:


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