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Resident views sought on Great Barr Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

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Walsall Council is seeking residents’ views on a draft appraisal and management plan for the Great Barr Conservation Area.   

Bridge at Great Barr Conservation Area

The Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (CAAMP) aims to identify the special architectural and historic interests of the area. It will provide guidance on how best to preserve and enhance the area and include suggested changes to the area boundary. 

Consultation on the draft CAAMP is now taking place to provide residents and any other interested parties the opportunity to share their views. This will ensure the CAAMP accurately reflects the area and acts to protect its special architectural and historic character.   

“ Your views on the Great Barr Conservation Area will provide valuable local perspectives into how the area can be managed moving forward.

“Through this consultation, we can ensure that any proposed changes to the conservation area are informed by local community preferences. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Associate Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth and Regeneration

Residents can find out more and have their say via an online survey at  

Copies of the draft CAAMP (reference only) and paper questionnaires are available at all Walsall libraries including Streetly Community Library, Pheasey Hub and The Collingwood Centre.   

Two informal drop-in sessions will take place where officers will be available to explain the CAAMP, answer questions, and listen to residents’ views. 

Pheasey Community Hub, Hillingford Avenue, Birmingham, B43 7HN, Thursday 26 September 4pm to 7pm  

Great Barr Community Hub, 3 Vicarage Rise, Birmingham, B43 7AQ, Wednesday 2 October 10am to 1pm  

Great Barr War Memorial Hall, corner of Chapel Lane and Birmingham Road, B43 7BD, Friday 4 October 4pm to 7pm

The consultation will close on 11 October 2024. 


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